[2] These people are either unaware of or concealing some realities regarding the legacy of Erudite Salafi Imam, Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz
In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.
Abdullah Ibn Mas’ud [may Allah be pleased with him] said, “The People will not cease to be upon good so long as they take knowledge from their elders”. [(1)]
The anonymous writers at Wikipedia stated, “Ibn Baz issued a fatwa authorising a wealth tax to support the Mujahideen during the anti-Soviet jihad”. [End of quote]
Response: It should be made known that wealth tax is not Zakat and vice versa. However, in times of dire need, the government may request contributions from those who can contribute, as Imam Al-Albaanee [may Allah have mercy on him] stated about this type of tax as follows:
لا يجوز أبدًا أن تُتخذ الضرائب قوانين ثابتة كأنها شريعة مُنزَّلة من السماء أبد الدهر ، وإنما الضريبة التي يجوز أن تفرِضَها الدولة المسلمة هي في حدود ظروف معينة تُحيط بتلك الدولة ، – مثلًا – وأظن أن هذا المثال هو الذي جاء به الإمام الشاطبي إذا هُوجمت – مثلًا – بلدة من البلاد الإسلامية ، ولم يكن هناك في خزينة الدولة من المال ما يقوم بواجب تهيئة الجيوش لدفع ذلك الهجوم من أعداء المسلمين ، في مثل هذه الظروف تفرض الدولة ضرائب معينة ، وعلى أشخاص معيَّنين عندهم من القدرة أن يدفعوا ما فُرض عليهم ، ولكن لا تصبح هذه الضريبة ضريبةً لازمةً وشريعةً مستقرةً كما ذكرنا آنفًا ، فإذا زال السبب العارض – وهو هجوم الكافر – فإذا دفع عن بلاد الإسلام أُسقطت الضرائب عن المسلمين ، لأن ما أوجب تلك الضريبة – السبب الذي أوجب تلك الضريبة – قد زال ، والحكم – كما يقول الفقهاء – يدور مع العلة وجودًا وعدمًا ، فالعلة أو السبب الذي أوجب تلك الضريبة قد زال ، فإذًا تزول بزوالها هذه الضريبة .
باختصار إذًا جواب ذاك السؤال : ليس هناك ضرائب تُتخذ قوانين في الإسلام ، وإنما يمكن للدولة المسلمة أن تفرض ضرائب معينة لظروف خاصة ، فإذا زالت زالت
“It is never permissible for taxes to be established as permanent laws as if they were a law revealed by Allah to be implemented forever; rather, the tax that is permissible for a Muslim state to impose is restricted to certain circumstances within that state. I think that this type is the one that Imam Ash-Shaatibee [may Allah have mercy upon him] mentioned. For example, if one of the Muslim countries is attacked, and there is no money in the state treasury to prepare the armies to repel that attack against the enemies of the Muslims, then in such circumstances, the state imposes certain taxes on specific individuals who have the ability to pay what is imposed on them, but this tax does not become a binding tax and an established law, as we mentioned above. If the reason behind this tax -the attack of the unbelievers against a Muslim country- ceases, then this tax ceases because what obligated it has ceased, and a ruling – as the jurists say – revolves around the cause, depending on whether it is present or absent. So the cause or reason that necessitated that tax has ceased, therefore, due to its cessation this tax ceases. In brief, the answer to the question is that there are no taxes established as laws in Islam, but rather, the Muslim state can impose certain taxes for specific circumstances, and when those circumstances cease to exist, the taxes cease”. [End of quote] [Al-Fataawaa Al-Imaaraatiyyah. cassette number 1]
The anonymous writers did not cite a Fatwa to prove that Imam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz [may Allah have mercy upon him] issued a Fatwa to establish this type of wealth tax during the Jihaad against the Communists, but if the Imam did indeed issue such a Fatwa and it was implemented by the rulers of Saudi Arabia, then, it is undeniably obvious from Imam Al-Albaanee’s [may Allah have compassion upon him] aforementioned declaration that this type of tax is permitted in extreme cases of need.
The anonymous writers stated: “His endorsement of In Defence of Muslim Lands, principally written by Abdullah Azzam, was a powerful influence in the successful call for jihad against the Soviet Union. It is said to be the first official call for jihad by a nation-state against another nation-state in modern times”. [End of quote]
Response: First, before Abdullah Azzam, many Salafi Scholars, including the Imam, spoke about defending Muslim countries. Secondly, the war against the vile Russian Communists was actively supported by the Salafi Scholars, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and other Muslim states. Thirdly, learn more about Abdullah Azzam by reading the valuable information provided by Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] that reveals the fact that Abdullah Azzam was a fan of the vile Takfeeri Sayyid Qutb.
Finally, once the Communists were defeated and sent back to Russia, the Muslim Brotherhood Sect and others among Ahlul Bidah devised a plot to massacre the Salafiyyoon. Read what Al-Allaamah Abdullah Al-Bukhari [may Allah preserve him] has transmitted by clicking on the link. We’ve placed Shaikh’s speech under the heading: “The Murder of Shaikh Jameel Ar-Rahmaan [may Allaah have mercy upon him]”: https://salaficentre.com/2023/03/05/ahlul-bidahs-final-satanic-plot-when-constantly-overwhelmed-by-ahlus-sunnahs-proofs/
Read about Sayyid Qutb on this link: http://www.sayyidqutb.com/
Read about Ikhwaan on this link: http://www.ikhwanis.com/authors/Abu.Iyaad.cfm
[(1)] Al-Mujam Al-Kabir 8510 by Imaam At-Tabaraanee [may Allah have mercy upon him]