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Author: abumuaawiyah

Has the use of white phosphorus in occupied Palestine ever been attributed to Zionists?

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

To begin with, the mass murder in Gaza is not an accident; rather, it is the result of the actions of a Zionist/far-right administration that takes joy in annihilating innocent civilians in the name of collateral damage and self-defence. Likewise, no sane person would condone Hamas’s crimes against the civilians who live under the authority of the Zionists. Read the article by Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him]

Second, Benjamin Netanyahu’s Zionist army has recently been accused of using white phosphorous in Gaza; however, they’ve responded to this by saying “Currently we are not aware of the use of weapons containing white phosphorus in Gaza, but rather such a claim is unequivocally false”.

Description of White Phosphorus:

Whoever researches will come across the following:

Toxic and wax-like, white phosphorus burns at temperatures above 800 degrees Celsius (about 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit), hot enough to melt metal. White phosphorus is the material of choice for militaries to construct smokescreens because of its capacity to start quickly spreading fires and produce thick smoke over large distances which usually lingers for seven minutes. Weapons carrying white phosphorus are hard to put out; they will keep flaming until the phosphorous is completely burned or removed from contact with oxygen. White phosphorus contains compounds that, if absorbed by the body, can burn skin all the way down to the bone and cause malfunctions in the liver, kidneys, and heart, among other organs. There are two effects of the burns: the burn itself, which is typically quite deep and severe, has a local effect, and the second effect is metabolic, which can be fatal for the patients. Heart failure can be caused by abnormal potassium levels, which are a symptom of metabolic diseases. White phosphorus can rekindle if it comes into contact with the skin again since it is sticky and can adhere to a variety of surfaces, including clothing. Additionally, breathing in the fumes can be fatal, and they can cause significant eye irritation and light sensitivity.

Therefore, even if a person were to argue that “Phosphorous is no different from petrol reacting to a lighted match, and that what differentiates it from chemical weapons is that its reaction is not directed against the human physiology”, we ask them whether someone can claim not to be held liable if he pours petrol in another person’s house or city district and then throws a lighted match in the area, causing death and destruction?! Therefore, can someone similarly argue that they should not be held accountable if they spread white phosphorous around a person’s home or city district and then set it on fire with firearms?! Rather, even if a person committed an act for which he truly deserves the death penalty under Islamic law, it would not be permissible to punish him through burning or fire. Imam Al-Bukhari [may Allah have mercy upon him] stated: “Chapter: Not to punish with Allah’s punishment”. Ikrimah reported that Ali burnt some people and this news reached Ibn Abbaas, who said, “Had I been in his place I would not have burnt them, as the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, ‘Don’t punish (anybody) with Allah’s Punishment”. [Saheeh Al-Bukhari 3017]

As a result, it makes no difference whether white phosphorous is permitted by anyone regardless of their expertise because only the final infallible divine revelation [The Qur’an and authentic Sunnah] as understood and implemented by the Sahaabah is the source through which what should be considered lawful or unlawful during military conflict is decided, not the views of any war-monger, war-criminal, racist or organisation that seeks victory for its allies at any cost or exclusively on the basis of “the ends justify the means.” Therefore, we wait for a Fatwa from the Senior Salafi Scholars that justify the use of this chemical!

Third, the Zionist military cannot deny the fact that it has used white phosphorous in the past as stated in the Jerusalem Post as follows:

However, as for the recent claims -[the specific events after 7/10/23] -that Netanyahu’s army of Zionists are using it again, this is still being investigated, so we’ll wait for the reliable and unbiased investigators and experts – among Muslims and non-Muslims – to produce a final report. We neither negate nor affirm until the affair is finalised, but what remains a fact is that the Zionists did use white phosphorous in the past.

Finally, every oppressor who uses these barbaric methods reminds us of what has been stated in Surah Al-Burooj. Allah said:

قُتِلَ أَصْحَٰبُ ٱلْأُخْدُودِ
ٱلنَّارِ ذَاتِ ٱلْوَقُودِ
إِذْ هُمْ عَلَيْهَا قُعُودٌ

Cursed were the People of the Ditch, (the large ditch with) the fire, given fuel (in abundance). While they were sat over it (watching those whom they punished by burning). [3]

Imam As-Sadi [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: This is the greatest type of tyranny and heart-heartedness because they combined disbelief in Allah’s Ayaat and wilful opposition to them, waging war against its adherents and torturing them with this torment, which the extremely heart-breaking, whilst they are present and throwing them into it. And the fact is that they did not take revenge on the believers except due to a characteristic for which they are praised, and by way of which they attain happiness (in this life and the next), which is that they believed in Allah. [4]

Imam Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “They saw the fire burning these people while sitting and joking as if nothing was happening, and Allah’s protection is sought (against this behaviour). This is tyranny that a person sees a human being burnt with fire while he reclines on his couch and is distracted by the conversation and does not care”. [5]

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased


[4] Tafsir As-Sadi

[5] Tafsir Juz Amma

[2] Zionism – Conferences and Seminars

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:
وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

International Evangelical Fundamentalist Leaders Conference (First Christian Zionist Conference): This conference was held in the Swiss city of Basel in 1985, the same city where the initial founding conference of Jewish Zionism was held in 1897 under the leadership of Herzl, and it was sponsored and managed by the “International Christian Embassy.” This conference was attended by 600 Christian Zionists, delegates from twenty-seven nations, and a number of leaders of Zionist Jewish organisations, particularly from the United States of America. At the end of the conference, several decisions were announced, the introduction of which was: “We are the delegations gathered here, from various countries, representing various churches. We have come to pray and to please the Lord, to express our great religion and our tremendous enthusiasm for Israel, the people, the land, and the doctrine, and to demonstrate solidarity with her. We realise today, after the painful suffering endured by the Jews, that they are still facing malicious and destructive forces identical to those to which they were previously exposed. We believe that there should never be a return of forces capable of causing the Holocaust to reoccur or be repeated”. What is meant is the gas chambers set up by Hitler to burn Jews as something new against the Jewish people. “The conference participants, who are praying, await the day when Jerusalem becomes the centre of humanity’s attention when the Kingdom of God becomes a reality.”

It is worth noting that this conference is held on a regular basis in the same location (where) the first Jewish Zionist conference was held in Basel, Switzerland in 1897. The conference’s final resolutions included: calling on nations to recognise Israel, recognise Judea and Samaria as part of Israel by Biblical right, demanding recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s eternal, unified capital, and urging the World Council of Churches in Geneva to recognise the Biblical connection between the Jewish people and the promised land, as well as the biblical significance of a state of Israel. This conference issued fourteen resolutions, which were summarised as follows:

[a] Making no concessions to the Soviet Union in terms of Jewish migration to Israel, and the need to encourage and support that migration.

[b] Encourage Israel and its citizens to participate in all international bodies and institutions, and urge our delegates to withdraw from bodies or institutions that refuse to admit Israel as a member.

[c] All nations must recognize Israel and establish full diplomatic relations with it.

[d] The conference declared that Judea and Samaria are part of Israel and that Israel should announce their inclusion.

[e] We call on the nations to recognize Jerusalem as the eternal, unified capital of Israel, and relocate its embassies there. [1]

[f] We call on friendly countries to stop supplying weapons to any country that is in a state of war with Israel, including Egypt, which signed an agreement with Israel.

[g] We call all governments to reject the Palestine Liberation Organisation and refrain from providing any aid or assistance to it, as well as recognising it or its affiliated organisations as terrorist organisations aiming to destroy Israel and her people.

[h] Condemning all forms of anti-Semitism, including anti-Semitism and hostility to Judaism Zionism, and Israel. [2]

[i] The call to remember all the atrocities committed by the so-called Christian civilization, and so-called Christians.

[j] Work to settle the Arab refugees who left Israel in 1948 in the countries to which they moved. The conference also demands justice for the Jews who were suppressed in Arab countries.

[k] Assist Israel economically by establishing an international investment fund with a capital of one hundred million dollars, and by importing and purchasing Israeli goods.

[L] Requesting all Christians and all nations not to submit to Arab boycott against Israel.

[M] Calling on the World Council of Churches, in Geneva, to recognize the Biblical connection between the Jewish people and their Promised Land.

[N] The members of the conference pray and look eagerly for the day when Jerusalem becomes the centre of humanity’s attention when the Kingdom of God becomes a reality. [3] [End of quote]


Footnote 1: Baytul Maqdis is already recognised in the final infallible revelation. Listen to clarification on this link by Shaikh Abu Idrees [may Allah preserve him]:

The Virtues of Masjid Masjid al-Aqṣā – By Abu Idrees Muhammad Khān

Footnote 2: Read about Zionism and anti-Semitism by Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him]:

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah” pages 335-338.

[1] Zionism – Conferences and Seminars

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ
And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:


Conferences and seminars

Christian Zionists have hosted and continue to hold numerous conferences and seminars in order to achieve their aims of persuading people not to reject it, gathering the largest number of supporters, and justifying its political, economic, and intellectual activities. In this context, I will mention examples of these conferences and seminars to demonstrate what we perceive to be Christian Zionism’s pursuit of goals and objectives. [Footnote a] The following are the most important of these conferences:

[1] American Christian Conference: This conference was held by an American organization, the “Loyal American Federal Organization For Palestine”. It was held in New York City, America, on December 15, 1936, and was attended by more than 200 personalities, including government officials and Zionist Christian clerics. The conference issued a resolution calling on civilised societies [Footnote b] to assist fleeing Jewish refugees from Germany and Eastern Europe to enter Palestine because it is their natural safe haven.

[2] National Christian Leadership Conference for Israel: It is an annual conference held and organised by the “National Christian Leadership Conference for Israel” in Washington, the capital of the United States of America. As is the title of the conference and the organization, it is held to serve Israel and its interests. Members of the US Congress usually attend the conference. The conference, held in June 1982, called for demonstrations in support of Israel’s invasion of Lebanon, and demonstrations have already taken place in many American cities with the demand to support Israel militarily and economically and understand Israel’s need to protect its people from terrorism. [Footnote c] At this conference, a final statement was issued to support the Jews, emphasising the commitment to Israel’s security and protection, and that all the Jewish Holy Lands belong to the people, and that Jerusalem is the unified and eternal capital of Israel, which may not be internationalised, or be a subject of negotiation or compromise, and that the Jewish people anywhere will remain God’s chosen peoplethose who invoke blessings on them are blessed by the Lord, while those who curse them are cursed by the Lord. [Footnote d]

This annual conference includes lectures and seminars by leading Zionist thinkers and Christians, and chaired by Franklin Little, a lecturer at Temple University in Pennsylvania. [Footnote e] It was held in one of the Jewish synagogues in Washington, D.C., under the slogan: “Encounters Between Fundamentalist Christianity and Jewish Leadership”. Following this conference, they held another conference titled “The National Christian Conference”, whose president stated, “The National Christian Conference was established for the purpose of uniting Christians from a variety of names and organisations who have a common shared interest in the safety of the Jewish homeland”. At the conference’s inaugural meeting, which was attended by one hundred people, including fundamentalists and members from the National Conference of Catholic Bishops and the National Council of Churches, Jack Camp, the Republican Party delegate from New York, stated regarding the establishment of Israel in 1948 as the fulfilment of “biblical prophecy,” and that the United States of America’s role is to provide opportunities for the fulfilment of biblical prophecies in Israel.

[3] “Breakfast and Prayer Conference for Israel”: This conference is one of the activities of the “Religious Round Table” organisation, which was held in Washington, D.C. in 1983. Following the conference, the final declaration was released, which contained paragraphs regarding Israel’s religious, political, and military interests, and the most important of them were:

[I] The call for cooperation – in all spheres – between the United States of America and Israel; then they quoted specific texts from the Old Testament affirming the Jewish right to Palestine.

[II] Calling for the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. The statement recognised that the borders of the Holy Land, as defined by the Bible, could not be altered by evolving political and economic circumstances. This conference is held annually, which is why it is referred to as the annual breakfast party organised by the aforementioned organisation to pray for Israel and support its policies and aims. Following the prayer, those conferred or gathered to celebrate usually make a statement in which Israel is blessed in the name of more than 50 million Christians in the United States of America who believe in the Torah. [Footnote f] Political and religious figures, notable businesses, and members from the American government all attend the breakfast meeting. It expresses unequivocal support for Jewish policies in Palestine. On February 1, 1984, they held a conference to pray for Israel at the Shoreham Hotel in the American capital, Washington, where they distributed a Jewish book about the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in the summer of 1982, which they called “a liberation operation of Lebanon from terrorism,” and images from the invasion were also included in the book. More than 500 people attended the prayer conference, including Jewish Zionist leaders such as Alleck Resnick, head of the Zionist Organisation. US Attorney General Edwin Meese, US Ambassador to the Organisation of American States, William Middendorf, Senator Charles E. Grassley, and Breger Marshall, Special Assistant to President Ronald Reagan, all attended the conference. The conference’s topics revolved around the covenant relations between God and the Jewish people, as well as “the responsibility placed on Christians to stand by Israel in the implementation of this “Biblical Covenant”. [3] [End of quote]


Footnote a: “O you who believe! When you hold secret counsel, do it not for sin and wrong-doing, and disobedience towards the Messenger (Muhammad) but do it for Al-Birr (righteousness) and Taqwa (virtues and piety), and fear Allah unto Whom you shall be gathered. Secret counsels (conspiracies) are only from Shaitan (Satan), in order that he may cause grief to the believers. But he cannot harm them in the least, except as Allah permits, and in Allah let the believers put their trust”. [Surah Al-Mujaadilah. Ayaat 9-10]

Those before them indeed plotted, but Allah struck at the foundation of their building, and then the roof fell down upon them, from above them, and the torment overtook them from directions they did not perceive. [Surah Al-Nahl. Ayah 26]

Imam As-Sadi [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: This is one the best of parables regarding how Allah nullifies the plots of his enemies, for indeed they pondered and reflected on that which the Messengers brought when they belied them, made up principles and rules for it based on falsehood, referred back to them to reject that which the Messengers came with, employed tricks to bring discomfort to the Messengers and inflict harm on them and those who followed them, but their plot became a source of evil against them, so their plan became their destruction because their plot was evil, “But the evil plot encompasses only him who makes it”. [Surah Faatir: Ayah: 43] [An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi]


Footnote b: Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: There is no doubt that knowledge is the mainstay on which the foundations of human life are based. And the knowledge that is most worthy to be given importance and concern is the knowledge of the Islamic Shariah because through it is known the wisdom (or purpose) for which Allaah [The Exalted] created us and sent the Messengers. And by way of this knowledge, we acquire knowledge and awareness regarding Allah and worship Him based on that, as Allah stated:

[وَمَا خَلَقْتُ الْجِنَّ وَالْإِنْسَ إِلَّا لِيَعْبُدُونِ – I (Allah) did not create the Jinn and humankind except to worship me alone]. [Surah Adh-Dhaariyaat. Ayah 56]

Allah [Glorified be He and free is He from all imperfections] stated:

[وَلَقَدْ بَعَثْنَا فِي كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ رَسُولًا أَنِ اُعْبُدُوا اللَّهَ وَاجْتَنِبُوا الطَّاغُوتَ – Indeed, We have sent a Messenger to every nation, saying, “Worship Allah alone and keep away from all false deities]. [Surah An-Nahl. Ayah 36]

Based on these two Ayaat, one knows the wisdom behind the creation of Jinn and humankind and the wisdom behind the advent of the Messengers. Any nation without sound belief or sound religion is an ignorant nation regardless of how advanced and developed it is, as Allah [Glorified be He and free is He from all imperfections] stated: [أَمْ تَحْسَبُ أَنَّ أَكْثَرَهُمْ يَسْمَعُونَ أَوْ يَعْقِلُونَ إِنْ هُمْ إِلَّا كَالْأَنْعَامِ بَلْ هُمْ أَضَلُّ سَبِيلً – Or do you think that most of them hear or understand? They are only like cattle; nay, they are even farther astray from the Path. (i.e. even worse than cattle)]. [Surah Al-Furqan. Ayah 44]

A good life is the life of the people of (Islamic) knowledge and faith, as Allah [The Exalted] said:

[يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا اسْتَجِيبُوا لِلَّهِ وَلِلرَّسُولِ إِذَا دَعَاكُمْ لِمَا يُحْيِيكُمْ – O you who believe! Answer Allah (by obeying Him) and (His) Messenger when he calls you to that which will give you life]. [Surah Al-Anfaal. Ayah 24] [Majmoo Fataawaa Wa Maqaalaat Ash-Shaikh Ibn Baaz. 2/316]

Footnote c: The Zionists want to protect themselves against those who attack their civilians, however, they are foremost in committing war crimes in our era. Read the article by Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him]:

Footnote d: The Chosen people:

Footnote e: Franklin Little (1917-2009) was a religion lecturer at Temple University who supported the State of Israel.

Footnote f:

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 331-335


[9] A brief acquaintance with the historical intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

Zionist lobby: Paul Findley worked as a member of the US Congress for 22 years and left it in 1982. He was opposed to the Zionist lobby on American policy and wrote two books on the subject of Zionist pressure means controlling American decisions. The two books are, “They Dare to Speak Out” and “Deliberate Deceptions”, translated into Arabic, and he established the National Interest Council for the same purpose. The two books provide an in-depth study of Zionist lobbying in politics and American society.

The Christian-Zionist lobby, or influential pressure from Christian Zionists, appeared in the United States of America before the Jewish-Zionist lobby, and it became increasingly influential in the nineteenth century CE because it infiltrated the Republican Party, which has controlled the House of Representatives since 1994. There is no doubt that the Christian Zionist lobby plays a powerful and significant role in the American political system and political processes by attempting to influence decision-makers in the political system. These organisations use various means, including pressure, to carry out their activities. “Lobby” means the dissemination of information with the goal of persuading and influencing the decisions of others, especially in the two institutions, legislative and executive, as well as influencing the masses through their influence on the individual’s direction, opinion, and political positions, as well as on other collective organisations, and influence to support the election victory of candidates. These forceful Christian Zionist organisations began gradually in America many years ago, penetrating the decision-making spheres, until they attained their goal in the last few years. The Jewish Zionist lobby consists primarily of the “American Israel Public Affairs Committee – AIPAC,” which was founded in 1959, and the Conference of “Heads of Jewish Organisations,” which was also founded in 1959, as well as political action committees, the most important of which is the “National Committee for Political Action,” in which 300 Jewish organisations are active, and was established in 1982, and there are many more in this field in the United States of America. It’s important to note that Christian Zionism did not stop at influencing and permeating the ideas of American presidents; rather, it spread to numerous influential political forums, including the Senate and the House of Representatives, which influenced American policy. An illustration of this was the formation of the “American Palestinian Committee,” a group of non-Jewish politicians in America, in May 1932. In addition to numerous government officials in the Council of Ministers, ten members of the House of Representatives and eighteen members of the Senate were among its founders. This committee’s objectives were to coordinate Christian Zionists’ efforts to collaborate on Jewish issues and the formation of public opinion in the USA among non-Jews about the objectives, accomplishments, and activities of Zionists in Palestine. In 1941, it announced its main principles, which included the following: “The American Palestine Committee is dedicated to upholding the values outlined in the Balfour Declaration, which have been reaffirmed by the Senate, the House of Representatives, and the statements made by the President of the Republic. We believe that the Jewish national homeland in Palestine will play a significant and vital role in the universal system, which must ultimately result in victory”. Along with being among the first to ratify the Balfour Declaration, the American Federal Labour Federation likewise acknowledged the “legitimate demands of the Jewish people” based on the right to self-government. [Footnote a] [3] [End of quote]

Footnote a: This lobbying to influence public opinion to the advantage of Zionists and conceal the truth cannot be accomplished unless appointments to government positions are based on criteria other than fair play; thus, Muslims must be wary of this situation. Imaam Muhammad Ibn Saalih Al-Uthaymeen [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “The ruler must appoint both the young and the old person who is more suitable and will fulfill the requirements of the job, and this requires the fulfilment of trust. If a person close to him, his family, or a noble person is appointed because of his nobility or because he has a high qualification, such as a doctorate or something similar, and he is either not trustworthy or not suited for the job, this is not permitted”. The Imam also said, “If he (the ruler or one in authority) were to say, ‘I am not able to know them by their (abilities) and (trustworthy) characteristics; are these certificates not a closer way of (judging) the competence of a person?’ We say, ‘Yes, but if we find that this man is untrustworthy or not suitable for the job, then it is obligatory to remove him and replace him with someone who is more suitable because this is necessary for the affair rulership, just as Umar Ibn Al-Khattaab and other than him amongst the Khulafaa [may Allaah be pleased with them] removed those who were not suitable. Umar applied this principle in the khilaafah. He feared dishonor after his death, so he did not appoint a specific person, except that he said, ‘If Abu Ubaydah [may Allah be pleased with him] was alive, I would have given him the affair because the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, ‘The trustworthy man of this Muslim nation is Abu Ubaydah [may Allah be pleased with him]'”. [4]

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 327-330

[4] At-Taleeq Alaa As-Siyaasah Ash-Shar’iyyah. Page 24-26.  slightly paraphrased]


[8] A brief acquaintance with the historical intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ
And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

Pat Robertson, an advocate of Zionism, declared in 1988 that he would run for president from the Republican Party; however, he was not successful in winning the nomination. Consequently, he established the “Christian Coalition” organisation, which served as the foundation for the Christian right and played a significant role in the victories of George W. Bush, several members of Congress, and state governors in the 1988 elections, then expanded at the state level through city councils and school boards. Christian Zionist and Republican Ralph Reed, who also served as the director of the Christian Coalition, stated, “We feel that the Christian community has lost its way in a number of ways by concentrating only on the White House and Congress when most issues that affect evangelical Protestants and conservative Catholics are decided in state legislatures, school boards, and local councils.

Following the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait in August 1990, Christian Zionists disseminated propaganda claiming that Saddam Hussain was the Antichrist and that the Russians would back him in the war against Israel. This set the stage for the Armageddon conflict between the forces of good, led by America, Israel, and their allies, and the forces of evil, represented by the Arabs and Russians, which would culminate in the return of Christ and the end of the world.  In 1982, some Arab newspapers, citing the Israeli periodical “Kivunim” published a report from the World Zionist Organisation in Jerusalem under the title “Israel’s Plan in the Eighties,” and it was stated in the report, “As for Iraq, it is rich in oil and prone to internal conflicts, and dismantling it will be more important for us than dismantling Syria because Iraq represents the most dangerous threat to Israel in the short term, and a Syrian-Iraqi war will help destroy Iraq internally before it is able to help in the Arab disintegration.” [Footnote a]

US President George H. W. Bush had close ties with Christian Zionist organisations. He also had a close acquaintance with the evangelical Zionist priest Billy Graham, president of the Southern Baptist Convention and the most powerful Zionist priest in American and international public opinion. The other fanatical Zionist priest, Jerry Falwell, campaigned for the election of George Bush senior to the presidency, and therefore some writers have stated that Jerry Falwell’s support and that of his followers was the main reason for George Bush winning the presidency. Also, during the war on Iraq, this president used to sit with Christian Zionist clerics, and he incurred huge sums for settling Soviet Jews in Palestine, as well as committed criminal acts during the Gulf War. Christian Zionism grew into a political force. In America, white Protestant evangelicals accounted for 25% of registered voters, ten times the votes of Jews, four times the votes of non-religious people, and three times the votes of African Americans. Christians, who are the most educated, wealthy, and employed among Americans, controlled 31 of the Republican Party’s congressional seats in 1994.

During the election campaign for US President Bill Clinton, he sent a message to voters asking for their support and swore to them, saying: “If I am elected president, I will never disappoint Israel”. John Duke, head of the National Council on Arab-American Relations, said about him, “55% of his advisors are Jews, and the first advisors in the White House were Australian-Israelis”. During his presidency, he was close to the Jews, to the point that the National Security Council had seven of them. The Jews included eleven members, in addition to other positions allocated to the Jews. As for George Bush Jr, he – as analysts wrote about him – has a Christian-Zionist culture from which his actions and statements emerge. He made numerous statements indicating this, including – for example – that during the presidential election campaign, in which Vice President Al Gore and Texas Governor George Bush were competing, the two candidates appeared in a debate on a television program on 10/11/2000, and one of the questions they were asked, regarding foreign policy, was a question about their position on the Middle East conflict. Al-Gore stated, “Syria must release the three Israeli prisoners, Arafat must issue orders to stop the violence, and Iraq remains a threat.” He added, “Israel must feel secure at all times. Our relationship with Israel is one of the two countries’ strongest ties. Our relationship with Israel is contractual and deep, and it is not transitory and changes in response to changing situations”. George Bush Jr said, “Israel will always be our ally, and we will always stand by Israel,” George Bush stated. Arafat must issue orders to put an end to the violence”. Then, he declared that if he won, he would begin to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and he would not send the American military to any war unless America’s essential interests were jeopardised. Then he added, “Israel’s security is America’s vital interest”. [3] [End of quote]

Footnote a: Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: “As for the Zionist ideological (or intellectual war), it is like (the Crusader ideological war), and they spare no effort to corrupt the Muslims in their morals and beliefs. They have ambitions in Muslim countries and elsewhere. They have plans, some of which have been fulfilled, and they are still working hard to achieve the rest. Even if they fight Muslims with force and weapons, and seize some of their lands, they also fight them with their thoughts and beliefs. This is why they spread – within the ranks of the Muslims – false principles, (innovated) religious paths, and sects, such as freemasonry, Qaadiyaaniyyah, Bahaa’iyyah, Tijaaniyyah and other than them, and they seek the help of Christians and others to achieve their goals and objectives. [4]

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 324-327

[4] paraphrased

[7] A brief acquaintance with the historical intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

President Jimmy Carter, who belonged to the Evangelical Zionist Christian Sect, declared in 1976 that his slogan was “belief in the doctrine of being born again.” In March 1979, he told the Israeli Knesset, “Seven American presidents believed, and embodied this belief, that the United States of America’s relationship with Israel is more than a special relationship, but rather a unique relationship because the idea that Israel and the United States of America were founded by pioneer immigrants and that we share the Torah’s legacy is ingrained in the conscience, morals, religion, and beliefs of the American people themselves. Brzezinski, his national security advisor, affirmed that American-Israeli relations are personal and rooted in history, both historical and spiritual. Many newspapers referred to 1976 as “the year of fundamentalist evangelicals,” and it began with strong, supportive political and popular enthusiasm for the sake of Christian Zionism. It is worth mentioning that in his election statement, President Carter stated that “the establishment of modern Israel is the fulfilment of Biblical prophecy”. The fervent Zionist, Billy Graham, said about him, “The president goes to church every Sunday, and he and his wife read passages from the Torah before going to sleep, and he does not drink alcohol in the white house.”

During his presidency from 1976 to 1980, he accomplished much for the benefit of the Jews in Palestine and the Zionist organisation in general, and his stances were founded on a theological belief in the Jewish state and a commitment to protect and support it forever. His accomplishments in the interests of the Jewish state were numerous, the most significant of which were the Camp David Accords between Egypt and Israel in 1978, and his provision of military and economic aid to Israel, more than any previous American president. During his presidency, Israel received $10 billion in aid, and he was the first American president to establish a presidential commission in 1978 on the subject of the “Holocaust,” or the burning of Jews during the Nazi era, as well as the first American president to push for an American anti-boycott law to deal with Arab countries’ boycott of Israel in 1977. He declared that anyone who accused Jews of murdering Christ was guilty of “anti-Semitism.” The director of religious affairs at the Zionist organisation known as the “American Jewish Committee” then stated, “For the first time in American presidential history, an American president issued a direct announcement about an unfair issue against Jews with traditional historical religious roots.” [Footnote a]

Since 1980, the alliance between the Christian Right and the New Right has emerged as the most powerful force on the American political scene, as the Christian Right entered the Republican Party and allied with the political right. This relationship, which established an active political Zionist movement for the American presidency, was intensified and became visible following Ronald Reagan’s nomination for the American presidency in 1980. In a statement he delivered at a clergy meeting following his nomination conference, he declared his support for the beliefs and ethics of the Christian right. Consequently, the Moral Majority Organisation was established “With intense activities in favour of Reagan’s candidacy. This Zionist organisation, which symbolises the core of the Christian Right, mobilised three million voters in the presidential and legislative elections, and thus the Christian Right became an influential force in Reagan’s victory”. Since the Christian Right had grown to be a powerful force in the Senate and House of Representatives, several members of the Zionist and Christian right ascended to prominent political roles.

Reagan was an avid Zionist in the service of international Zionism, and he was greatly affected by his mother, who believed in salvation and read the Bible frequently. Her kid son grew up going to churches and was raised on the Bible, which he learned at Sunday schools, as Reagan used to say. Similarly, he would sit with his Dispensational Zionist pals, particularly the fanatical Billy Graham, with whom he would frequently discuss the theory of the second coming of Christ and salvation, as well as other Christian Zionist principles. During Reagan’s campaign for a second term as governor of California in 1970, the Zionist Reverend George Otis paid him a visit and they discussed – with those present – the biblical prophecies and the possibility of their fulfilment for America during Reagan’s presidency, which Otis had prophesied to him. Either way, Reagan visited and engaged with Christian Zionists on a regular basis until he embraced the principles of Christian Zionism and worked for them. Rather, he frequently used those concepts as evidence with Old Testament texts, predicting the Battle of Armageddon and the Second Coming of Christ during his administration, or its close appearance. In an interview with the Zionist pastor Jerry Falwell in 1981, he stated that President Reagan informed him that “the destruction of the world could happen soon. He asserted that Russia was Gog and Magog and that it would be the one that would invade Israel, then the nuclear battle of Armageddon would occur”. He addressed the United Nations three times (1982, 1983, and 1984). Religious broadcasters confirmed his conviction about the nearness of Armageddon and the second coming of Christ according to the Lord’s will, as described in Bible predictions, he said. He predicted in 1986 that the Land of Israel would be besieged by armies of infidel nations, with Libya among them, and that Armageddon was not far away. [Footnote b] [End of quote]

Footnote a: Without a doubt, noble Prophet Isa (peace be upon him) has not died, nor was he killed by any Jew or anybody else who disbelieved in him. Allah says:

وَقَوْلِهِمْ إِنَّا قَتَلْنَا ٱلْمَسِيحَ عِيسَى ٱبْنَ مَرْيَمَ رَسُولَ ٱللَّهِ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ وَمَا صَلَبُوهُ وَلَٰكِن شُبِّهَ لَهُمْ وَإِنَّ ٱلَّذِينَ ٱخْتَلَفُوا۟ فِيهِ لَفِى شَكٍّ مِّنْهُ مَا لَهُم بِهِۦ مِنْ عِلْمٍ إِلَّا ٱتِّبَاعَ ٱلظَّنِّ وَمَا قَتَلُوهُ يَقِينًۢا
بَل رَّفَعَهُ ٱللَّهُ إِلَيْهِ وَكَانَ ٱللَّهُ عَزِيزًا حَكِيمًا

And because of their saying (in boast), “We killed Messiah ‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary), the Messenger of Allah,” – but they killed him not, nor crucified him, but the resemblance of ‘Iesa (Jesus) was put over another man (and they killed that man), and those who differ therein are full of doubts. They have no (certain) knowledge, they follow nothing but conjecture. For surely; they killed him not [i.e. ‘Iesa (Jesus), son of Maryam (Mary)]; but Allah raised him [‘Iesa (Jesus)] up (with his body and soul) unto Himself (and he is in the heavens). And Allah is Ever All-Powerful, All-Wise. [Surah Al-Nisa. Ayah 157-158]

Footnote b:

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 320-323

[6] A brief acquaintance with the historical intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

When the United States held presidential elections following Eisenhower’s presidency in 1960, one of the candidates was the Catholic John F. Kennedy. The Christian Zionists became angry at the possibility of his victory, and the fanatical Zionist supporter Billy Graham sent a letter to Richard Nixon, the Vice President, warning against the Catholics nominating the Catholic Democrat, and suggesting that the Republican Party nominate a popular Protestant figure for the presidency, namely Waltergood, a member of Congress, who worked as a missionary in China before entering Congress, especially since he was one who shared Nixon’s hostility to communism. When Catholic candidate John F. Kennedy saw that the Protestants were abandoning him, he declared in his program that he was committed to the separation of church and state, opposed government funding for religious schools, and would not send an American diplomatic mission to the Vatican. This drew Protestants and liberal Jews to his side. However, at a conference in Washington in 1960, the National Union of Evangelicals, the Christian Zionists, led a campaign against Kennedy, emphasising that Kennedy’s nomination “represents a dangerous interference by the Vatican in American politics” and that if he wins the presidency, he will become a “puppet” of the Catholic Church. He did, however, start to emphasise the need to safeguard, defend, and assist Israel. He said, “America has made explicit commitments to protect Israel, and it is in our interest, as Americans, to implement what we have committed to”. He stated before the Zionist Organisation of America, after speaking about the founding of the State of Israel, “It was not born to disappear; Truman was the first to recognize Israel, and I will continue on this route.” Then he reiterated on several occasions that “the Lord Jehovah” is the one who protects and secures the United States of America. Following that, Kennedy was elected President of the United States of America from 1960 to 1963, and immediately after taking office, he worked to allay the fears of Protestants, so he and a number of his White House aides attended the annual breakfast prayer with the Evangelical Protestants in greater numbers than former President Eisenhower, and before his trip to Latin America in 1962, he invited the Protestant pastor, Billy Graham, to the White House, and told him, “I will be your Apostle John”, he joked.

In 1962, the Evangelical Protestants launched the first voting project for the Christian Right, under the name “The Christian Citizen,” with the goal of training Evangelical Christian Zionists in electoral campaigns, and they were able to recruit two thousand members of an organisation to study electoral commissions in 17 American states. In 1963, the Christian Zionist Lyndon B. Johnson assumed the presidency of the United States, and during his reign, America became embroiled in the Vietnam quagmire, and the focus returned to Anti-communism. Johnson often said that his Christian religion was derived from the Jewish religion, therefore, it cannot be separated from them. One of the key reasons for Johnson’s great support for the Jewish state of “Israel” was his Christian faith in God’s plan and control over the entire existence and humanity. He articulated these views numerous times in a period of seven years. In a book titled “My Brother Lyndon,” released in 1970, his brother, Sam Houston Johnson, stated, “Lyndon’s aunt was always giving him religious advice.” In a letter to Sam, the aunt once said, “I want you to tell Lyndon something more about me. Inform him that since Jews are God’s chosen people, you should always stand by them and never do anything to harm them. You should never doubt what the Bible itself says about it, as you are aware. Establishing the state was the greatest accomplishment of Harry Truman’s life. When Israel embarked on that work, it guaranteed certain success next elections”.

As for Richard Nixon, he was one of the deepest in his thoughts and theorists of Zionism among American politicians, and he was an evangelical Zionist. He used to say, “I gave the order to begin a massive airlift of supplies and equipment during the 1973 war, which allowed Israel to halt Syria’s and Egypt’s assault on two fronts. Our commitment to the survival of Israel is a deep commitment. We are not official allies, but something binds us together stronger than any piece of paper. It is a moral commitment. It is a commitment that no president in the past has ever broken, and every president in the future will faithfully fulfill. America will never allow Israel’s enemies to harm it by achieving their goal of destroying it”.

Many social and political developments have occurred, resulting in a watershed moment in the formation of the Christian right. The civil rights movement and the Vietnam War created a schism in American society, as well as a deeper schism among Christian Zionism and its trends. The liberals focused on sit-ins and other forms of protest, whilst the conservatives focused on religious influence on individual conscience. Overall, these social developments in America resulted in a Christian Protestant renaissance in response to societal issues such as women’s equality with men, sexual freedom, abortion rights, homosexuality, and so on. As a result, in the face of political and social transformations, the “Christian Right” turned to political activity more than ever before, resulting in its ascent as a powerful phenomenon to political influence in the 1970s and beyond. [3]

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-Islaamiyyah”. pages pages 316-319

[5] A brief acquaintance with the historical intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:
وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

Following Wilson, President Warren Harding stated unequivocally on June 1, 1921, “It is impossible for those who serve the Jewish people not to believe that they will one day be returned to their historic national homeland where they will begin a new phase, but rather a phase greater than their contribution to the progress of humanity”, and he declared his support for the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. Then came President Calvin Coolidge after him, who declared his belief in a national Jewish homeland in Palestine in 1924, his support for its establishment, his admiration for the Zionist movement, and its efforts to make Palestine accept Jewish immigrants. Next in line was President Herbert Hoover, who conveyed his satisfaction with the progress made by the Jewish community in Palestine. In 1928, he commended the Jewish Zionist Organisation for their “great achievement in Palestine” and emphasised the need to continue working towards the realisation of the concept of Jewish re-emergence in Palestine. Then there was President Franklin D. Roosevelt, who served from 1933 to 1945. During his rule, the Jewish Zionist star, also known as the Star of David and Solomon, was adopted and given an official emblem for mail departments, helmets used by soldiers in the Sixth Division, and American Navy seals, on the print of the new dollar, the Presidential Medal, the police guards in Chicago, and the chest badge worn by the mayor in many areas. He declared at the beginning of his presidency that he was a pragmatist working for America’s interests with the Arab countries, but in reality, he submitted to Zionist influence, both Jewish and Christian. During his presidency, the Zionists were incredibly active, with their activity centred on creating a Jewish majority in Palestine in preparation for the foundation of an independent Jewish state there.

In 1939, Britain passed a resolution known as the “White Paper” that specified immigration to Palestine. In the same year, America announced its rejection of the White Paper, putting pressure on Britain to remove it, and launching Jewish immigration under the control of the Jewish Zionist Agency. Zionist, Jewish, and Christian pressure on President Roosevelt mounted, particularly following the formation of the American Palestinian Committee, which included 200 members of the House of Representatives and 68 members of the Senate. The committee aimed to support the Baltimore Conference’s 1942 program of establishing a Jewish-Palestinian Commonwealth. As a result, Roosevelt declared in his presidential campaign program in 1944 that he supported opening the gates of Palestine to unrestricted Jewish immigration and settlement, as well as any strategy that would lead to the development of a commonwealth – “a free Jewish democracy, and that he is certain that the American people will support this goal, and if he is re-elected, he will help achieve this goal”. However, Roosevelt died on April 12, 1945, and President Harry S. Truman succeeded him. His presidency lasted from 1945 to 1953, and he sought to meet the Zionists’ aspirations. As soon as he took office, he released a statement saying, “The official American view regarding Palestine is to allow the largest number of Jews into it as much as possible,” including the potential of establishing a Jewish state there. In 1947, Truman also announced his endorsement of the partition decision and even requested that other governments put pressure on those who were hesitant and stopped voting on the partition. On May 14, 1948, he announced his recognition of the newly constituted Jewish state in Palestine in his name and in the name of the United States of America and took the initiative to assist it and provide loans. He gave it a loan of one hundred million dollars, followed by subsequent loans, including a loan of 35 million dollars in 1950. There is no doubt that Truman “belonged to and worked for Christian Zionist doctrine, and this is what prompted him to hasten to announce America’s recognition of the Jewish state,” in addition to Christian Zionists’ penetration of government councils and international organisations. President Truman belonged to the conservative Baptist faith, which believes in the literal interpretation of the Bible and believes that the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine is clear evidence of the fulfilment of biblical prophecies. Clark Clifford, advisor to President Truman and then Secretary of Defence during the John F. Kennedy administration, stated at the White House that Truman studied the Torah himself, and as a student of the Torah, he believed in the historical justification for a Jewish national homeland and was convinced that the Balfour Declaration of 1917 fulfilled the ancient hopes and dreams of the Jewish people. He frequently quoted Old Testament passages about the Jewish desire for Zion and said that the Talmud was his favourite book. Moshe Davis mentions in his book “America and the Holy Land” that when Truman was presented in a Jewish theological temple to those present as the man who helped create the State of Israel, Truman responded, saying, “I am Cyrus… I am Cyrus, and who is that?” Who forgets that Cyrus was the one who returned the Jews from their exile in Babylon to Jerusalem.

It must be emphasised that American President Truman had a significant influence on the events that culminated in the foundation of the Jewish state in occupied Palestine. He was the one who demanded that the British government allow 100,000 Jewish immigrants to enter Palestine promptly during its mandate for Palestine. Additionally, he exerted pressure on the UN to decide to partition the nation, and he was also the one to recognise the Jewish state as soon as it declared its independence, just minutes after it was established at midnight on May 15, 1948, and he worked on the call in international forums to defend and protect it. Then, from 1953 to 1961, Dwight D. Eisenhower was president, and he had close ties with Zionist preacher Billy Graham, leader of the Christian Zionist “Youth of Christ” organisation. He also maintained a close relationship with some Jewish Masonic organisations, and he asserted that America’s interests are inextricably connected to Israel’s. Christian Zionism became a valuable asset for the state more than before at the start of the twentieth century when the “Christian Right” led a campaign against communism. This paved the way for Christian Zionists to rise to power and precise political practices that served the interests of their doctrine. [3] 

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 311-316

[4] Brief acquaintance with the intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

When the British Foreign Secretary issued the Balfour Declaration to the Jews in 1917, American President Woodrow Wilson ratified the promise in a letter to the American Jewish Zionist leader Rabbi Stevie Wise, saying: “I have observed with sincere and profound interest Weizmann’s constructive work in Palestine at the request of the British Government, and I would like to take this opportunity to express my satisfaction with the progress of the Zionist movement in the United States of America and the allied countries, since Mr. Balfour’s announcement in the name of his government in agreement to establish a national homeland for Jews in Palestine, and promised that the British government would make every effort to facilitate the fulfilment of this goal”.

It is important to note that President Wilson descends from parents who belonged to the Christian Church, Christian Zionism, and was raised on Protestant teachings, from which Christian Zionism emerged, and he declared that his religious feelings were the motivation for him to work to help return the sacred Land to its people. The fact that Congress endorsed the Balfour Declaration, as several American writers have pointed out, illustrates the penetration of Christian Zionism into decision-making channels in America- amazingly, with Zionist and Hebrew themes. They quote as an example of Congressional Zionism the words of Indiana Representative William A. Cox, who said, “Just as Moses delivered the Israelites from slavery, the Allies are now delivering the Jews from the clutches of the ugly Turks, which is the appropriate conclusion to this world war. Judea must rise up as a nation, independent, with the power to govern itself, advance, and achieve its ideals in life. I feel that I am expressing the thoughts of the American people, and certainly the thoughts of those with whom I discussed this issue. That is, the government of the United States of America must exercise its appropriate powers to see this Jewish state established, and formed to spread the ideas and traditions of ancient Judea”.

In 1922, Henry Cabot Lodge, Chairman of the House Foreign Relations Committee, said in Boston, “It seems to me appropriate and laudable that the Jewish people, in all parts of the world, should desire that members of their own race should have the right to return to their lands, which was their cradle, and in which they lived and struggled for thousands of years. Indeed, I can never bear the thought of Jerusalem and Palestine falling under the control of the Mohammedans; that Jerusalem and Palestine, sacred to the Jews and the relatively sacred land of all the great Christian nations of the West, would remain in the hands of the Turks had seemed to me for years like a stain on civilization’s forehead that must be removed”.

In June 1922, the Senate approved the Balfour Declaration, deciding that the United States of America supported the establishment of a national homeland for the Jewish people in Palestine, in accordance with the conditions included in the British government’s November 1917 promise, known as the Balfour Declaration. Then the House of Representatives authorised a more Zionist formulation in the same month, as indicated in its decision made on June 30, 1922, the text of which is as follows: “Whereas the Jewish people have been looking forward for many centuries and longing to rebuild their ancient homeland, the Jewish people must be able to re-establish and organise a national homeland, in the land of its forefathers, thus providing the House of Israel with the opportunity that it has been denied for so long -the restoration of Jewish life and culture in the ancient Jewish homeland.”

After US President Woodrow Wilson signed the Balfour Declaration, his successors committed to working to fulfil that promise, and showed active sympathy for Jewish Zionism, in order to establish a Jewish state in Palestine, and then American Zionist presidents committed to protecting and defending that state after it occupied Muslim countries (i.e. Palestine, Golan Heights). [3] [End of quote]

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 308-311

[3] A brief acquaintance with the historical intellectual servitude of American ideologues to Zionism.

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

وَإِذَا قُلۡتُمۡ فَٱعۡدِلُواْ وَلَوۡ ڪَانَ ذَا قُرۡبَىٰ‌ۖ

And when you testify, be just, even if (it concerns) a near relative. [1]

When you testify by way of a statement to judge between people, differentiate between them in a discourse, and speak regarding matters and circumstances, be just in your speech, adhere to truthfulness regarding those you love and those you hate, be fair and do not conceal what needs to be made clear because it is forbidden and tantamount to injustice to divert (from justice and fairness) when speaking against the one you hate. [2]

Therefore, we remind ourselves of the fact that not all Jews are engaged in the plots of the Zionists, as Shaikh Abu Iyaad [may Allah preserve him] stated, “It is important to note that not all Jews are involved in these intrigues and the Jews as a population have, throughout history, been subject to the whims and desires of their religious and political leaders, and have been made to undergo much persecution as a result”. Must read below:

The main thought that stimulated culture and politics in the United States of America, especially in its belief in the necessity of establishing a Jewish state on the Land of Israel in Palestine, nurturing that state, and protecting it as a religious and cultural adherence through politics, was the “Puritan” Christian Zionism and the millenarian doctrine it carries, and the like. Warder Cresson, the first American consul to Jerusalem in 1844, declared that he sought to do the Lord’s work by establishing a national homeland for Jews in the Promised Land through his work in Palestine. He wrote some letters to Washington officials and even made contact with officials in the Ottoman Empire, but his efforts were futile, so he relocated to Palestine. He encouraged American Christian Zionists to follow in his footsteps, and this is exactly what transpired. In 1850, a group of American Zionists led by Zionist Clorinda Minor went to Israel to await the arrival of Christ the Saviour, but they waited for a long time and returned to their homeland after seven years. In the year 1866, 150 American Christian Zionists attempted to establish themselves in Palestine in order to await the arrival of Christ the Saviour. When Christ did not appear, they rationalised their failure by claiming that Christ had been delayed because the chosen people had not all gathered in the “Promised Land.”

William Blackstone, a Christian Zionist, was one of America’s wealthy missionaries. He wrote extensively and advocated work for the return of Christ and the establishment of a Jewish state in Palestine. As a result, his call influenced numerous politicians, including rulers, States, and representatives in Congress. In 1888, he travelled to Palestine and was dismayed by what he viewed as “the anomaly that Palestine was thus left as land without a people, instead of giving it to a people without a land.”

In 1891, he petitioned US President Benjamin Harrison, requesting that America act to return Jews to Palestine. The petition was signed by 413 prominent American Christians, including John Rockefeller, patriarch of the Rockefeller family and Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, a large number of Senators, and a number of editors-in-chief of major newspapers. He stated in his petition, “In accordance with the Lord’s distribution of his land to the nations, Palestine remains the homeland of the Jews and their inalienable property. They were evicted by force, so why don’t the great powers, who handed Bulgaria to the Bulgarians and Serbia to the Serbs respond by giving Palestine to the Jews?” In his petition, he quoted an Old Testament text about the Persian “Cyrus,” who (according to him) was anointed by the Lord Jehovah in the Book of Isaiah. He said that Cyrus’ Christianity was blessed by the Lord Jehovah, who held Cyrus’ hand and trampled over kingdoms and rulers before him. He smashed and opened the gates in front of him, and he made the doors not close….” Blackstone hoped to persuade President Harrison to be the Lord’s anointed one, who would, like Cyrus, return the Jews to Palestine. He focused on the necessity of sending Jews to Palestine for two reasons: The first reason was to practise the millenarian doctrine and prepare for the coming of Christ the Saviour. The second reason was the fear that Jews would flock to America, just as they had done in Russia in 1881. As a result, he was to achieve the desired result, which is that guaranteeing the establishment of the State of Israel would secure America’s power and greatness, which the Lord would bless if he assisted, protected, and stood by the Jews. These two reasons, particularly the first theological doctrinal one, motivated America to work hard to assist Jews and establish a state for them in Palestine. This is why Christian Zionism has been and continues to be more forceful in this affair. And this is why Theodor Herzl, the founder of Jewish Zionism, did not object to the British government when it proposed to him the establishment of a Jewish state in Al-Arish, on the Egyptian border, and then suggested that it be established in Cyprus, then in Uganda, and he did not object. The Zionist Christians, on the other hand, criticised Herzl for not protesting and emphasised the importance of establishing it in Palestine rather than elsewhere. He sent a letter to Herzl blaming him for this and attempted to persuade him that the chosen homeland belongs to the chosen people. [3] [End of quote]

[1] Translator: Shaikh Abu Iyaad. NobleQur’an

[2] An Excerpt from Tafseer as-Sadi. Slightly paraphrased

[3] An Excerpt from “As-Sahyuniyyah An-Nasraaniyyah, Diraasah Fee Daw’i Al-Aqeedah Al-islaamiyyah”. pages pages 305-308