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[3] The Clueless Critics of Erudite Salafi Scholar Al-Allaamah Salih Al-Fawzaan

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

The Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, “The scholars are the heirs of the Prophets. The Prophets did not leave behind dinars or dirhams, rather they left behind a heritage of knowledge, and the one who acquires it acquires an abundant portion”. [At-Tirmidhee 2682]

The writers at Wikipedia stated under the title Controversial statements: “Saleh al-Fawzan was given attention in Western media again in May 2016 after he declared taking photos prohibited in a video published by the Middle East Media Research Institute on April 17, 2016. According to The Independent, “Speaking in a televised broadcast, Sheikh Saleh Bin Fawzan Al-Fawzan was asked about a new trend of taking pictures with cats which has been spreading among people who want to be like the Westerners. The Sheikh initially appears incredulous, asking: “What?! What do you mean pictures with cats?” He then declares: “Taking pictures is prohibited. The cats don’t matter here.” When asked again about the “new trend”, he says: “Explain this trend to me. Taking pictures is prohibited if not for a necessity – not with cats, not with dogs, not with wolves, not with anything.” [End of quote]

We remind these writers that the upright Salafi Scholars do not appease those who disagree with their judgements by flattering them or going along with the crowd. This photography issue is not to be regarded as controversial; rather, it should be assessed in light of the Qur’an and the authentic Sunnah. Indeed, it only causes controversy for individuals who either do not want to hear what they dislike hearing or who believe that the Shariah’s rulings have no place in so-called contemporary cultures or modern societies. The subject matter is applicable to all people, not just those living in the West because its ruling is revealed in the infallible final divine revelation. The Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, “The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the picture makers.” [Sahih Al-Bukhari 5950]

Imaam Muhammad Ibn Salih Al-Uthaymeen [may Allah have mercy upon him] was asked, “How do we reconcile between the statement of the Prophet ‘The people who will receive the severest punishment from Allah will be the picture makers’ and the fact that the Mushrikoon will receive the greatest punishment on the day of judgement?”. He replied, “The severest punishment here means the severest punishment received by the sinners whose sins have not reached disbelief. As for the severest punishment received by the Mushrikoon, their punishment will be the severest among all the people”. [(1)]

Therefore, the ruling on pictures is an established affair in the pure Shariah and Al-Allaamah Salih Al-Fawzaan fulfilled his duty by giving a verdict on the subject matter. Anyone who considers this a matter of controversy is either ignorant or driven by their own desires. We ask Allah to protect the righteous Salafi Scholars from the statements of the ignorant. Aameen.

You can read an article on this subject matter by Shaikh Abu Khadeejah (may Allah preserve him):

To be continued…InShaaAllah.


فوائد ومسابقات المئين من فتاوى ودروس ابن عثيمين
pages 34-35

[2] The Clueless Critics of Erudite Salafi Scholar Al-Allaamah Salih Al-Fawzaan

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

“Indeed, the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets because the prophets do not leave behind a dinar or a dirham as inheritance, but rather, they leave behind knowledge. So whoever takes hold of it, has acquired a large share”.
[Sahih Abu Dawud 3641]

The writers at Wikipedia stated: In March 2014, Al-Fawzan denied that he issued a fatwa banning ‘all you can eat’ open buffets, claiming he only said that open buffets should identify the quantity so that people don’t end up buying the “unknown”. [End of quote]

Indeed, the language employed above in relation to this subject matter appears to imply that Al-Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan [may Allah preserve him] is disputing something he previously stated and then stating something else! However, a detailed examination of his first and second pronouncements reveals that there is no contradiction or denial on his behalf, nor is he making empty claims.

First and foremost, what is a buffet? They say it is “a meal where people serve themselves different types of food”. “A meal set out on a buffet or table for ready access and informal service”. “A variety of dishes presented in a line, from which diners in a restaurant serve themselves, usually at a fixed price regardless of how much one eats”. “A buffet is a meal of cold food that is displayed on a long table at a party or public occasion. Guests usually serve themselves from the table”. “A meal for which different foods are placed on a table so that people can serve themselves”. “A meal at which people serve themselves from a table and then stand or sit somewhere else to eat”.

According to the preceding definitions, a buffet is a meal or selection of foods from which customers serve themselves, and the question presented to Al-Allaamah Saalih al-Fawzaan was not whether buffets are allowed! Rather, the question concerned a specific type of business transaction related to buffets, which is that some restaurants offer open buffets, in which customers pay a set amount of money and then eat anything they want, regardless of whether they consume more or less than the set amount of money. So, Al-Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan responded by saying that this is not permissible because there is uncertainty and speculation in this type of transaction (i.e. a Gharar). Listen here:

In this first Fatwa, it is abundantly obvious that Al-Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan [may Allah preserve him] was responding explicitly to the description of a certain type of transaction relating to buffets, rather than buffets in and of themselves.

Then, on another occasion, he was asked if he had issued a Fatwa against open Buffets! So he responded that this was a lie; rather, he was asked about a buffet where a person – for example – is charged 50 riyals and then told to eat whatever he wants, and this type of transaction is Majhool (i.e. a transaction in which what the seller sells and what the buyer receives is speculative, ambiguous, or unknown), whereas buying and selling is to be based on clarity. Listen here:

Therefore, no contradiction, controversy, denial of facts, or baseless assertions can be attributed to Al-Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan in this matter. Rather, it is quite evident that the verdicts focused on the distinction between buffets in and of themselves and buffets accompanied by the type of transaction that would be tantamount to conjecture, uncertainty, or ambiguity. When the buffet with an ambiguous transaction was described to him, he gave the verdict it deserved because the upright scholars do not flatter anyone or go along with the desires of the people, but rather pass verdicts based on the knowledge Allah has bestowed on them with piety and honesty.

There is no contradiction between his first and second declarations since the first forbids a particular type of transaction that is connected to a buffet, and the second necessitates that no prohibition was mentioned against buffets that do not involve this type of transaction. Neither did he issue an erroneous verdict against the transaction that was described to him nor is there a contradictory denial or claim in what he said from the beginning to the end of this affair. We ask Allah to protect our Salafi Scholars from the tongues of the ignoramuses Aameen. Finally, Shaikh Abu Khadeejah provided the following brief comment regarding this topic at the following link:

To be continued InShaaAllah

[1] The Clueless Critics of Erudite Salafi Scholar Al-Allaamah Salih Al-Fawzaan

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Abu Ad-Dardaa [may Allah be pleased with him] reported: I heard Allah’s Messenger [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] say, “Whoever treads a path due to which he seeks knowledge, Allah will make him tread one of the paths towards Paradise. And the angels lower their wings out of contentment for the seeker of knowledge. And verily all those in the heavens and in the earth, even the fish in the depths of the sea ask forgiveness for the scholar. And verily, the virtue of the scholar over the worshipper is like the virtue of the full moon (of the 13th, 14th, and 15th of the month) over all of the stars. Indeed, the scholars are the inheritors of the prophets because the prophets do not leave behind a dinar or a dirham as inheritance, but rather, they leave behind knowledge. So whoever takes hold of it, has acquired a large share”. (1)

The Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, “Verily, Allah does not take away knowledge by snatching it from the people, but He takes it away by the death of the (upright) religious scholars till none of the scholars remains alive. Then the people will take ignorant ones as their leaders, who, when asked to deliver religious verdicts, will issue them without knowledge, the result being that they will go astray and will lead others astray”. (2)

Al-Haafidh Al-Qurtubiy [may Allah have mercy upon him] stated in Al-Mufhim, “This text (demonstrates) that the disappearance of knowledge will occur not through its removal from the hearts of the people, but rather through the death of the scholars, (then) the ignoramuses will remain- those who will take the place of the scholars in the (field) of judgment and teaching. They will teach and pass judgment based on their ignorance, causing ignorance to spread and become evident”. So, if the authentic Sunni knowledge is taken away, acting on it is also taken away, isn’t it?! When ignorance manifests, acting upon it becomes manifest; so, both knowledge and acting upon (Knowledge) will disappear, ignorance will manifest, and acting upon (ignorance) will become prevalent, as Al-Haafidh Al-Qurtubi [may Allah have mercy upon him] clarified in Al-Mufhim”. (3)

The preceding statements clearly demonstrates the virtue of Islam’s upright scholars, and there is no doubt that Al-Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan [may Allah preserve him] is one of the Ummah’s senior scholars.

In the section on Wikipedia titled “Controversial Statements”, the writer or writers wrote: Al-Fawzan’s views on slavery—given in lectures recorded on cassette—came to light and caused some controversy in 2003. In the tape, he was quoted as saying, “Slavery is a part of Islam (in war context) … Slavery is part of jihad, and jihad will remain as long there is Islam.” As for the modernist interpretation that Islam totally abolished slavery, he dismissed its exponents saying, “They are ignorant, not scholars. … Whoever says such things is an infidel. [End of quote]

First and foremost, what is controversy? They say it means “a lot of disagreement or argument about something, usually because it affects or is important to many people”. “a disagreement, often a public one, that involves different ideas or opinions about something”. (4) “a discussion marked especially by the expression of opposing views”. (5) “a lot of discussion and argument about something, often involving strong feelings of anger or disapproval”. (6)

After we understand what a controversy is, we should remember that Allah has commanded us – during every dispute – to refer back to the Qur’an and authentic Sunnah as understood by the Sahaabah.

فَلَا وَرَبِّكَ لَا يُؤۡمِنُونَ حَتَّىٰ يُحَكِّمُوكَ فِيمَا شَجَرَ بَيۡنَهُمۡ ثُمَّ لَا يَجِدُواْ فِىٓ أَنفُسِہِمۡ حَرَجً۬ا مِّمَّا قَضَيۡتَ وَيُسَلِّمُواْ تَسۡلِيمً۬ا

But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission. [Surah An-Nisaa. Ayah 65]

We now provide you Shaikh Abu Khadeejah’s (may Allah preserve him) clear explanation of slavery in Islam:

What is explained in the above links has nothing to do with the satanic doctrines of the Takfeeris (ISIS, Boko Haram, and other groups). These groups do not have any authority in Islam to wage war or sign peace treaties. Second, a Muslim can never be held as a slave, and neither can a non-Muslim whose nation has ratified a peace agreement with a Muslim government. Read on to learn more:

Shaykh Salih Al-Fawzan: The Islamic Shariah Provides Security for Muslims and Non-Muslims and Those Who Violate It Are Kharijites Who Are to Be Fought and Severely Punished–for-muslims-and-non-muslims-and-those-who-violate-it-are-kh257rijites-who-are-to-be-fought-and-severely-punished.cfm

Finally, with regards to the word infidel or apostasy, the Wikipedia writer or writers should have cited the full text and context of the Shaikh’s statement. Additionally, read and listen on the links:

Click to access MNJ090006.pdf

To be continued InShaaAllah

[1] Saheeh Abu Dawud 3641]

[2] Al-Bukhari Number 100 and Muslim Number 2673]

[3] Al-Hajr Fee Daw-il Kitaab Was-Sunnah Wa Fahm Salaf Al-Ummah. pages: 15-16 By Shaikh Abdullah Al-Bukhari (may Allah preserve him)]



[Ref 6: ]

[22] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Imam Muhammad Ibn Sireen [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “Indeed, this knowledge is religion, so carefully consider from whom you take your religion (i.e. from whom you learn it)”. [Saheeh Muslim. Number 26]

The researchers who have endeavoured to discredit Salafiyyah by relying on the fictitious presence of a group named Mad’khlaist on Wikipedia have failed to meet the essential criteria for establishing their credibility. Their actual identities remain unknown, rendering them invisible and preventing any assessment of their religious affiliation, be it misguided Muslims, non-Muslims, or individuals notorious for uttering statements that are tantamount to Kufr Akbar or Nifaaq. Driven by an overwhelming fear of being held accountable, they have chosen the path of anonymity, much like others who were too fearful to confront the Scholars of Ahlus Sunnah and their upright students. Imam Naasiruddeen Al-Albaanee [may Allah have mercy upon him] stated regarding an individual who concealed his identity while attempting to criticise without providing any evidence: “And it has become certain to me that he began to circulate his books, in the end, after his reality was uncovered, and his affair exposed, under the pen name Abu Suhaib Al-Karamee! Going to extremes in trickery, deception, and drowning in misguidance!! Rather after that, he circulated books with his introductions and checkings without any name or Kunyah!!” [(1)]

The Imam also stated regarding another person who hid behind a false identity: “He is none other than Habeebur-Rahman Al-Athamee, the one who hid behind the false identity (Arshad As-Salafee) because of his cowardice, and his lack of scholarly and literary courage”. [(2)]

Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali [may Allah preserve him] said, “By Allah, no one hides his real name except an evil person. Astaghfirullah! Astaghfirullah! Why are you hiding your real name?! If you have the truth with you then announce your name; if you have falsehood with you then fear Allah! Don’t speak! There is no reason to hide your real name, no reason whatsoever, this is something unknown to the Salaf [pious predecessors]”. [(3)]

Al-Allaamah Ubaid Bin Abdillah al-Jaabiri [may Allah have mercy upon him] stated: After looking into the benefits of posting with one’s real name, the following things come to mind at first glance:

[a]: One will take his time, contemplate, and think deeply before posting. [b] We will know the level of the writer’s knowledge and manhaj. [c] There will be no hastiness or unnecessary rush in spreading things before confirming them and referring them to the people of knowledge. [d] Writing under one’s real name will bring about a sense of responsibility and accountability for what is being written. [e] It will reduce excessive writing and spreading (of things devoid of benefit). [f] It will restrict the writing and the offering of advice to the people of knowledge and their students, and not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry will post. [g] It will put forth the people of knowledge and make clear their true position, their true rights, and authority with regard to guidance, education, and criticism. [h] It will allow the Salafee manhaj to be seen in its beautiful form and complete shape, by way of knowing the narrators and their situations and personalities. [i] We will be able to apply the Shariah ruling on those who are in opposition (to the truth), those who stubbornly resist (the correct path), and the liars. We will be able to confirm and verify reports if we know the individuals, but this ability will vanish or dwindle so long as we do not know them, or they are anonymous. [j] There will be an increase in beneficial posts with knowledge, clarifying the manhaj, and weak posts or those devoid of benefit will decrease. [k] We will nobly remove ourselves from the ways of the biased partisans and proponents of secret movements and organizations, and we will oppose their stealth, their hiding behind nicknames or kunyahs when their attributes and poisons become known. [l] We will spread clarity and truthfulness, two attributes that are from the foremost attributes of the Salafee Manhaj. [(4)]

If the individuals who engaged in pseudo-research, deceit, and dishonesty at Wikipedia decide to alter the content of the posts that is the subject of this series, we have made available the document in the following link madkhalism1.0

In the forthcoming blog entries, we will examine the misguided criticisms directed at Al-Allaamah Saalih Al-Fawzaan by some individuals. We ask Allah to guide these liars or break their backs Aameen.

[(1)]: An-Naseehah Bit-tah’dheer Min Takhreeb Ibn Abdil Mannaan Li-Kutubi Al-A’immah Ar-Rajeehah. page 5

[(2)]: Aadaab Az-Zafaaf. p 8



[21] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Samurah Ibn Jundub [may Allah be pleased with him] reported that the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, “I saw a dream at night in which two men came to me. They said, ‘The one whose face you saw being torn away was a liar, who would tell a lie that would be carried away until it reached the whole world. So, he will be punished like this until the Day of Resurrection”. [Saheeh al-Bukhari 6096]

The deceivers stated, “The person of the movement’s leader, Rabee al-Madkhali, also carries a heavy focus uncharacteristic of rival movements such as Qutbism”. [End of quote]


To begin with, Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali is not the leader of any movement, much less one that goes by the name of Mad’khalism. As for the view of the cretins that Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali has a heavy focus, which is unusual for rival movements like Qutubism, this is a compliment that the cretins unknowingly made because what the misguided Qutubists innovated in the religion is the exact opposite of the clear direction in the Qur’an and the Sunnah followed by Al-Allaamah Rabee and the Salafiyyoon. In addition, the Salafiyyoon are Ahlus Sunnah Wal-Jama’ah, whilst the Qutubists are a group among Ahlul Bidah. Furthermore, Qutubism isn’t just an opponent of Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi al-Mad’khali; rather, it’s an opposition to the Qur’an and the Sunnah as comprehended and practiced by the companions. Read below:—explanation-of-the-deception-of-the-qutbiyyah.cfm

The cretins stated: “Madkhalists have been described as obsessed with defence of the movement’s leader by the Muslim Brotherhood who accuse them of often dramatising or exaggerating praise given by Salafist scholars and attempting to stifle or intimidate Salafists with opposing views to those of Mad’khali and Madkhalists”. [End of quote]


Once again it should be noted that there is no such thing as a Madkhalist group or movement, much less a leader for it. We challenge both the Muslim Brotherhood Sect [(Footnote a)] and the cretins at Wikipedia to provide just one instance where Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali was supported against critics on the basis of rejecting truth and supporting falsehood. Indeed, even though the deviated Muslim Brotherhood Sect despises it, the acclaim Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali earned from other upright senior scholars does not require dramatisation because the remarks speak for themselves. We’ll suffice with one on this link:

As for the claim of the cretins that the Mad’khalists (i.e. so-called Mad’khalists) stifle or intimidate Salafists with opposing views to those of Ma’khali and Mad’khalists, we challenge the compulsive liars to cite a single example where Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi was given clear evidence regarding an affair of the religion, but he hid behind the praise given to him by other Salafi scholars to reject the truth. Indeed, the Salafi scholars refute various groups, sects and individuals due to their deviations in Aqeedah or Manhaj, and among these deviated individuals are Salman, Safar, Abdur-Rahmaan Abdul Khaaliq, Ali Al-Halabi, Al-Maghrawi, Al-Maribi, Al-Hajuri and their ilk- those who innovated principles and propagated their bidah, then the clear proofs were established against them. Therefore, let us hope that these are not the folks and their ilk that the cretins refer to as “the other Salafists.” [(Footnote b)] Read below:

However, there are those whose mistakes are rebutted and they are boycotted only due to their harm, such as the likes of Dr Muhammad bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali and his ilk. [(Footnote c)]

The cretins stated: “A common mantra promoted by Madkhali is that questioning the movement’s clerics is forbidden as a general rule, and only allowed in cases of necessity”. [End of quote]


Once again there is no such thing as Mad’khalism, nor is it led by someone named Al-Mad’khali. Second, let the cretins produce either a text or a remark that clearly demonstrates that Al-Allaamah made it a rule that he is not to be questioned, whether necessary or not. “And (with regard to) the person with the proofs, it is obligatory to take his speech (on the basis) of following Allaah’s Legislation and Proofs, and not (due to) the personality of that person,” said this noble senior Scholar. [(1)]

He also stated, “The seeker of truth is not diverted from the truth, fairness, and justice due to admiration of the big personalities and being amazed by them, for indeed the truth is more worthy to be followed. It is not permissible to drop the proofs for the sake of this or that great man. The principle [rule] of the Muslim – the unbiased one, the seeker of truth – is always:

[قُلْ هَاتُوا بُرْهَانَكُمْ إِن كُنتُمْ صَادِقِينَ -Say, bring forth your proofs if you are truthful]. [Surah An-Nahl. Verse 64] [(2)]

To be continued InShaaAllah


[(Footnote a)]:

[(Footnote b)]

Salman and Safar


Abdul Rahman Abdul Khaliq:

Ali Al-Halabi



[(Footnote c)]:

[Ref 1: Majmoo 9/40) 3rd paragraph]

[Ref 2: All-Mulakh-khasul Jameel Fee Bayaani Manhaji Ash-Shaikh Rabee Fid-Da’wati Wal-Jarhi Wat-Ta’deel. Page 87]

[20] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Imaam Abdur-Rahmaan Bin Naasir As-Sadi [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “It is well known that Allah does not love ignorance, doubts, confusion, or misguidance; rather, He loves the religion He has ordained, knowledge, and certainty. Indeed, we have been commanded to ask Allah [The Exalted] to guide us to the straight path, which entails knowledge of the truth and acting on it, and the Qur’an is the cure, guidance, and light. The Muslims agree that doubt and confusion are unpraiseworthy, and it is expected – absolutely- that a person who does not possess knowledge of something is obligated to keep quiet and seek knowledge via its (sound) sources”. [(1)]

The ignoramuses stated: “The polemics of the Madkhalists are markedly different from other Salafist groups as well. A noted feature of Madkhalism during Muslim dogmatic exchanges is clarifying the opponent sect instead of only discourse regarding the topic of discussion”. [End of quote]

Response: First of all, as we have already mentioned, there is no such thing as a Madkhalist group within Salafiyyah, not to mention the presence of other Salafi groups within Salafiyyah.


Second, Salafi Scholars, including Al Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali, do not write or speak to contradict others for personal motives; rather, their writings and speeches are intended to establish truth and refute falsehood, so that no one stands in the way of truth. Ibn Aqeel [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “If the truthful ones remained silent and the falsifiers spoke, the creation (humankind and Jinn) would abandon what they have witnessed (of truth) and reject what they have not witnessed. As a result, when the devout desire to revive the Sunnah, the people reject it and think that it is bidah”. [(2)]

Third, the ignoramuses stated that a noted feature of Madkhalism (i.e. so-called Mad’khalism) during Muslim dogmatic exchanges is clarifying the opponent sect instead of only discourse regarding the topic of discussion! Indeed, this statement demonstrates the cretins’ incompetence once more, because the discussion of sects and parties is always centered on refuting false beliefs and methodologies, as well as identifying specific characteristics of the deviant sects. The fact that in such discussions, not only are the topics discussed, but also sometimes the sect itself and how to deal with it, is found in the Prophet’s [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] statement, “ “The Qadariyyah are the Magians of this community. If they are ill, do not pay a sick visit to them, and if they die, do not attend their funerals”. [(3)] [See Footnote a] Also Allah’s Messenger [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, “The thing I fear most for my Ummah are the leaders of misguidance”. [(4)]

Imaam Al-Barbahaaree [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: “Imaam Barbahaaree [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “Know that leaving the correct path occurs in two ways. Firstly, a man strays from the correct path intending nothing but good, so his error is not to be followed since it leads to destruction. Secondly, a man who deliberately opposes the truth and acts contrary to the Pious ones who came before him, he is astray, leading others astray, a rebellious devil within the Ummah. It is a duty upon those who know of him to warn the people against him and to explain his condition to them so that no one falls into his innovation and is destroyed”. Continue reading below:

Leaving The Correct Path Occurs In Two Ways

The situation is as apparent as the midday sun, yet owing to ignorance, the these pseudo researchers at Wikipedia have rushed to blame the so-called Mad’khalists that “a noted feature of Madkhalism during Muslim dogmatic exchanges is clarifying the opponent sect instead of only discourse regarding the topic of discussion”, despite the fact that the  cited Prophetic narrations demonstrate that wrong beliefs, the deviant sects, and their leaders must be identified and refuted.

Footnote a: The Splitting of the Muslim Ummah: Part 1 – The Completion and Perfection of the Religion and The Way of the Companions:

To be continued…InShaaAllah

[(1)]: An Excerpt from Al-Adillatul Qawaatiq Wal-baraaheen Fee Ibtaali Usoolil Mulhideen. Page 15. slightly paraphrased

[(2)]: Shifaa As-Sudoor Fee Ziyaaratil Mashaahid Wal-Quboor. Page 148

[(3)]: Saheeh Sunan Abu Dawud 4691

[(4)]: Tirmidhee 2229


[19] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Samura Bin Jundub [may Allah be pleased with him] said: The Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said, “I saw (in a dream), two men came to me.” Then the Prophet narrated the story (saying), “They said, ‘The person, the one whose cheek you saw being torn away (from the mouth to the ear) was a liar and used to tell lies and the people would report those lies on his authority till they spread all over the world. So he will be punished like that till the Day of Resurrection”. [(1)]

The deceivers stated, “Also unlike the wider Islamist movement, Madkhalists don’t seem to focus on converting Western societies to Islam due to giving most concern in persuading Muslims to adopt a more orthodox Muslim lifestyle and preferring to simply accept and defend their rights as a minority community”. [End of quote]


First, the methodology of the Prophets is the only path through which rectification is to be sought, not so-called Islamic movements. Read below about methodology of the Prophet:

Click to access methodology-of-the-prophets-in-calling-to-allaah.pdf

Second, whenever Western writers and those brainwashed by them use the term “Islamist,” we must distinguish between truth and falsehood. Read below about the term Islamist:

“Islamist” and “Islamic Fundamentalism” According to Their Own Definitions

Third, as we have repeatedly established in this series, there is no such thing as a “Mad’khalist Movement or Strain” within Salafiyyah, rather, this term was concocted by those who want to vilify Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali [may Allah protect him] because he rebutted and exposed those figureheads who attempted to undermine or falsify the sound Salafi Methodology. The people the cretins refer to as Mad’khalists are none other than the upright Salafiyyoon. Read below the false label Mad’khalist:

The cretins stated about those whom they falsely label as Mad’khalists that such a group does not seem to focus on converting Western societies to Islam because they give most concern in persuading Muslims to adopt a more orthodox Muslim lifestyle and preferring to simply accept and defend their rights as a minority community! Indeed, it is truly amazing that the people they falsely label as Madkhalists and claim that they do not seek to convert Western societies to Islam are the very people among whom the majority of Shariah teachers, including Shaikh Abu Talhah, Shaikh Abu Uwais, and others, were non-Muslims before converting to Islam. Also, these people, whom they falsely identify as Mad’lkhalists, have Dawah stalls to call non-Muslims to Islam in many places. Visit:

Along with the aforementioned effort to acquaint non-Muslims with Islam, there is no doubt that those whom they falsely label as Mad’khalists give great concern to convincing Muslims to return to sound creed since the Ummah is urgently in need of that. Read below about the rectification of society by Imaam Abdul Azeez Baaz [may Allah have mercy upon him]:

Rectification of Modern Societies – By Saudi Scholar Imaam Abdul Azeez Bin Baaz

Finally, every community, whether it is the Jews, the Sikhs, the Hindus, the Buddhists, or others fights for their collective rights. However, the cretins are so desperate to find something that would harm the reputation of those whom they falsely label as Mad’khalist that they either attribute to them something that is not blameworthy or attempt to distort reality in an effort to support their claim that their opponents do not appear to give more attention to calling non-Muslims to Islam. Their claim, however, is completely rebutted by the city center Dawah projects. May Allah guide the cretins or protect us from their falsehoods Aameen.

To be continued…InShaaAllah

[(1)]: Sahih Al-Bukhari 6096

[18] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:
لَّقَدْ كَانَ لَكُمْ فِى رَسُولِ ٱللَّهِ أُسْوَةٌ حَسَنَةٌ لِّمَن كَانَ يَرْجُوا۟ ٱللَّهَ وَٱلْيَوْمَ ٱلْءَاخِرَ وَذَكَرَ ٱللَّهَ كَثِيرًا

Indeed in the Messenger of Allah (Muhammad), you have a good example to follow for him who hopes in (the Meeting with) Allah and the Last Day and remembers Allah much. [Surah Al-Ahzaab. Ayah 21]

The deceivers stated: “While most Salafi Muslims in the Western world are noted for adjusting their religious lifestyles for pragmatic participation in the wider society, Madkhalists, in particular, are noted for minimizing contact with non-Muslims”. [End of quote]

First, the understanding of Salafiyyah according to the deceivers is a movement within which there are so-called Salafi Jihadists and others. This is where they stumble from the outset because nothing exists in Salafiyyah except a path based on the Qur’an and the Sunnah as understood by the pious predecessors. Listen and read:

Second, as we have repeatedly established in this series, there is no such thing as a “Mad’khalist Movement or Strain” within Salafiyyah, rather, this term was concocted by those who want to vilify Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali [may Allah protect him] because he rebutted and exposed those figureheads who attempted to undermine or falsify the sound Salafi Methodology. The people the cretins refer to as Mad’khalists are none other than the upright Salafiyyoon.

Third, we have already discussed pragmatism in this link:

Fourth, they say that the so-called Mad’khalists have minimal interaction with non-Muslims! This is yet another subjective claim because what is minimal regarding this affair is susceptible to interpretation dependent on each individual Muslim’s interests, employment, and family life. Does the claim that the so-called Mad’khalists have little contact with non-Muslims imply that they only work in places where Muslims work?! Does this claim imply that they only save their money in banks owned by Muslims?! Does this claim imply that they only drive their cars on roads where the majority of drivers are Muslims?! Does this claim imply that they only attend hospital appointments at hospitals where the majority of patients and medical professionals are Muslims?! Does this claim imply that all our neighbours are Muslims?! Or is anyone implying that we are guilty of something blameworthy because we do not socialise in any place where a Muslim is not allowed to do so?! Only the cretins can reveal what what they mean by minimal with regards to this interaction! Indeed, we do not isolate ourselves, rather, we strive to interact with society within what is allowed in the Shariah. Read the following articles:

To be continued…InShaaAllah

[17] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] says:

قُلْ إِن كُنتُمْ تُحِبُّونَ ٱللَّهَ فَٱتَّبِعُونِى يُحْبِبْكُمُ ٱللَّهُ وَيَغْفِرْ لَكُمْ ذُنُوبَكُمْ وَٱللَّهُ غَفُورٌ رَّحِيمٌ

Say (O Muhammad to mankind): “If you (really) love Allah then follow me (i.e. accept Islamic Monotheism, follow the Qur’an and the Sunnah), Allah will love you and forgive you of your sins. And Allah is Oft-Forgiving, Most Merciful”. [Surah Al-Imran. Ayah 31]

Imaam Sufyan Ibn Uyaynah [may Allah have mercy upon him] used to say, “The Messenger [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] is the greatest criterion (among humanity and Jinn to distinguish right from wrong), and all affairs are brought to him (for judgment) based on his manners, path, and guidance, so whatever agrees with this is truth, and whatever disagrees is falsehood”. [(1)]

The deluded stated: “Interaction with non-Muslim societies, where most Madkhalists reside, also distinguishes the movement. While most Salafi Muslims in the Western world are noted for adjusting their religious lifestyles for pragmatic participation in the wider society…” [End of quote]

Response: First of all, as we have repeatedly established in this series, there is no such thing as a “Mad’khalist Movement or Strain” within Salafiyyah, rather, this term was concocted by those who want to vilify Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali [may Allah protect him] because he rebutted and exposed those figureheads who attempted to undermine or falsify the sound Salafi Methodology. The people the cretins refer to as Mad’khalists are none other than the upright Salafiyyoon. Read and listen here:

They stated, “While most Salafi Muslims in the Western world are noted for adjusting their religious lifestyles for pragmatic participation in the wider society, Madkhalists, in particular, are noted for minimizing contact with non-Muslims”. [End of quote]

Response: First, in the English language pragmatism means “An approach that evaluates theories or beliefs in terms of the success of their practical application”. “The quality of dealing with a problem in a sensible way that suits the conditions that really exist, rather than following fixed theories, ideas, or rules”.


Indeed, this term needs to be carefully examined lest the falsehood within it be believed. Imaam Ibnul Qayyim [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “The basis of Banee Adam’s misguidance is as a result of ‘General Terms’ and ‘Ambiguous Meanings’ [i.e. terms & meanings which can either be utilised for truth or falsehood when not explained in detail and distinguished], especially if they come in contact with a confused mind, then how about when [evil] desires and misguided enthusiasm is added to that? Therefore, ask the One Who keeps the hearts steadfast [i.e. Allaah] to keep your heart firm upon His Religion and not allow you to fall into this darkness”. [(2)] “The words (terms) of the Shariah are sanctified, and it is from perfection in the knowledge that one seeks after the (sound meanings) which the Messenger intended by them, in order to affirm what he affirmed and negate the meanings he negated because it is obligated to us to believe and bear witness to everything he has stated and follow him in everything he has commanded. As for the words (terms) that are neither found in the Qur’an and Sunnah nor did the Salaf (pious predecessors) hold a consensus regarding whether they are negated or affirmed, then it is not incumbent on anyone to agree with the one who negates them or affirms them until its intended meaning is explained. So, if its intended meaning agrees with the (revelation), conveyed by the Messenger, it is affirmed; but if its intended meaning is in opposition to (the revelation), it is rejected”. [(3)]

Therefore, if the term pragmatism requires that the sound Aqeedah, the divine commands and prohibitions are opposed or questioned because of a desire to replace them, and that human ideas can handle a situation better than the infallible revelation, and that this is what is reasonable and suits the conditions that exist, this would be tantamount to giving the intellect precedence over the revelation. Read on the link:

Perils of Having Good Suspicion About One’s Intellect, Harbouring Evil Suspicion About Authentic Divine Texts And Not Critically Examining Ideas And Claims of The People!

Muslims are not allowed to modify their way of life for any kind of pragmatic involvement in any society if it violates the Muslim identity. Imaam Al-Albaanee [may Allah have mercy upon him] said, “One aspect of Islam’s perfection is that it established rulings and divine regulations so that Muslims maintain their Islamic identity and not – at any time – sway towards the (unIslamic) identities of other peoples”. [(4)]

Shaikh Abu Khadeejah [may Allah preserve him] stated, “There were many practices that took place in Makkah when the Prophet (peace be upon him) lived there for the first thirteen years of his Prophethood, the worst of those being idolatry. Other oppositions to Islam also took place (such as the killing of baby girls), but he persevered patiently with the people and did not abandon calling them to worship Allah alone and to good conduct and morals. He lived amongst them and had great concern for their spiritual well-being”. [(5)]

However, if pragmatism is viewed from the perspective of the approach used by the upright Scholars of the Shariah while discussing the Masaalih Al-Mursalah, then this is in fact a whole different situation. To read more, click here:

Indeed, in their imprecise use of the term “pragmatism,” while fusing truth with falsehood to disparage Salafiyyoon, the cretins and pseudo-researchers at Wikipedia failed to detail and distinguish truth and falsehood in this subject matter. Allah [The Exalted] says:

وَلَا تَلْبِسُوا الْحَقَّ بِالْبَاطِلِ وَتَكْتُمُوا الْحَقَّ وَأَنتُمْ تَعْلَمُونَ

And mix not truth with falsehood, nor conceal the truth while you know (the truth). [2:42]

Imaam Ibn Al-Qayyim [may Allah have mercy upon him] said: Allah forbade (us) from confounding truth and falsehood, resulting in the concealment of the truth. Mixing truth and false is combining the two till one becomes confused with the other. This is forgery and deception, in which what is made apparent is the polar opposite of what it is in reality. Similarly, when the truth is confounded with falsehood, the perpetrator manifests falsehood in the image of truth and speaks with a statement that carries two meanings–a correct meaning and a false meaning–giving the listener the impression that the speaker intends the correct meaning, when in fact he intends the corrupt meaning. [(6)]

To be continued…InShaaAllah

[(1)]: Al-Jaami Li-Akhlaaq Ar-Raawi Wa Aadaab As-Saami’ page 8]

[(2)]: An Excerpt from ‘As-Sawaa’iq Al-Mursalah Alal Jahmiyyah Wal Mu’attilah’ – Vol 3. page 927. slightly paraphrased]

[(3)]: Excerpt from ‘Al-Haqeeqatus Shar’iyyah Fee Tafseeril Qur’aan Al-A’dheem Was-Sunnatin Nabawiyyah’ page 17. slightly paraphrased]



[(6)]: Badaa’i At-Tafseer Al-Jaami Limaa Fassarahu Al-Imaam Ibnul Qayyim. 1/124. slightly paraphrased]

[16] A Brief Look at Pseudo Researchers in Salafiyyah: [Examination of a Fabricated Quietist Faction Within Salafiyyah Called Mad’khalism]

In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.

Allah [The Exalted] said:

يَـٰٓأَيُّہَا ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ كُونُواْ قَوَّٲمِينَ بِٱلۡقِسۡطِ شُہَدَآءَ لِلَّهِ وَلَوۡ عَلَىٰٓ أَنفُسِكُمۡ أَوِ ٱلۡوَٲلِدَيۡنِ وَٱلۡأَقۡرَبِينَ‌ۚ إِن يَكُنۡ غَنِيًّا أَوۡ فَقِيرً۬ا فَٱللَّهُ أَوۡلَىٰ بِہِمَا‌ۖ فَلَا تَتَّبِعُواْ ٱلۡهَوَىٰٓ أَن تَعۡدِلُواْ‌ۚ وَإِن تَلۡوُ ۥۤاْ أَوۡ تُعۡرِضُواْ فَإِنَّ ٱللَّهَ كَانَ بِمَا تَعۡمَلُونَ خَبِيرً۬ا

O you who believe! Stand out firmly for justice, as witnesses to Allah; even though it be against yourselves, or your parents, or your kin, be he rich or poor, Allah is a Better Protector to both (than you). So follow not the lusts (of your hearts), lest you may avoid justice, and if you distort your witness or refuse to give it, verily, Allah is Ever Well-Acquainted with what you do. [Surah An-Nisaa. Ayah 135]

The deceivers stated: “Though often lumped together with all other Salafists and Islamists, the Madkhalists have been noted for their opposition to and mutual rivalry with Salafist jihadism. The Madkhalist movement has been described as politically quietist, eschewing the organized political efforts of the mainstream of Salafism and even going as far as to declare religious clerics who participate in modern political system to be heretics or even apostates. Such politically active Salafists are often described by followers of Madkhalism as part of an international conspiracy against “true Salafism.” On the other hand, Western intelligence agencies have identified Madkhalists as a group which can be supported and funded discreetly by the US, in comparison to the rest of the groups seen under the wider Salafi movement”. [End of quote]

Response: First of all, as we have repeatedly established in this series, there is no such thing as a “Mad’khalist Movement or Strain” within Salafiyyah, rather, this term was concocted by those who want to vilify Al-Allaamah Rabee Bin Haadi Al-Mad’khali [may Allah protect him] because he rebutted and exposed those figureheads who attempted to undermine or falsify the sound Salafi Methodology.

Second, Salafiyyah is the only path based on the path of Sahaabah. It does not accommodate so-called strains called the Madkhalists, Jihadists, quietists, or a group that establishes organised political activity. There is no question that those who bundle it in with any other way are either ignorant or pseudo-researchers in this field. Click here to read:

Third, it is crucial to include information about Jihaad in this article because idiots, pseudo-researchers, demagogues, ideologues, and rabble-rousers always want to distort this topic by attributing Jihaad to the actions of terrorists and the leaders of innovated political activity that desperately want to hide behind Salafiyyah. Click here to read:

Fourth, any engagement in organised political activity by a group or party other than under a Muslim ruler’s authority is wrong and alien to Islam, and Salafiyyah is far removed from this bidah. The explanations provided by Salafi Scholars about political activity and governmental affairs do not give any room to the innovated methodologies of the modern political parties and groups that ascribe to Islam. Imam As-Sadi [may Allah have mercy upon him] said:

The Islamic Shariah has decided the issues of Siyaasah [Footnote a] in the most comprehensive manner and guided towards all that should be done when dealing with Muslims and others based on the best and most just system- combined mercy and strength in the affair, leniency and compassion, and mercy for the people whatever the circumstances may be. When that is not possible, force is employed prudently and justly, rather than injustice and violence. Allah [The Exalted] said:

إن الله يأمر بالعدل والإحسان وإيتاء ذي القربى وينهى عن الفحشاء والمنكر والبغي يعظكم لعلكم تذكرون وأوفوا بعهد الله إذا عاهدتم ولا تنقضوا الأيمان بعد توكيدها وقد جعلتم الله عليكم كفيلا

Verily, Allah enjoins Al-Adl (i.e. justice and worshipping none but Allah Alone – Islamic Monotheism) and Al-Ihsan [i.e. to be patient in performing your duties to Allah, totally for Allah’s sake and in accordance with the Sunnah of the Prophet in a perfect manner], and giving (help) to kith and kin (i.e. all that Allah has ordered you to give them e.g., wealth, visiting, looking after them, or any other kind of help, etc.): and forbids Al-Fahsha (i.e. all evil deeds, e.g. illegal sexual acts, disobedience of parents, polytheism, to tell lies, to give false witness, to kill a life without right, etc.), and Al-Munkar (i.e all that is prohibited by Islamic law: polytheism of every kind, disbelief and every kind of evil deeds, etc.), and Al-Baghy (i.e. all kinds of oppression), He admonishes you, that you may take heed. And fulfil the Covenant of Allah (Bai’a: pledge for Islam) when you have covenanted, and break not the oaths after you have confirmed them, and indeed you have appointed Allah your surety]. [Surah An-Nahl. Ayaat 90-91]

Allah commanded that justice be established with everyone, along with kindness and mercy for all, especially when it comes to family members and others whose rights must be upheld. In order to sanctify life (and physical well-being), wealth, honour, and rights, Allah forbade indecency and oppression. He also commanded the fulfilment and preservation of covenants and issued warnings against breaking them. Every Muslim is obliged to observe the commands and prohibitions (in the aforementioned verse), some of which are straightforward and evident; thus, there is neither a choice nor room for any dissent.

Allah [The Exalted] said:
وما كان لمؤمن ولا مؤمنة إذا قضى الله ورسوله أمرا أن يكون لهم الخيرة من أمرهم ومن يعص الله ورسوله فقد ضل ضلالا مبينا

It is not for a believer, man or woman when Allah and His Messenger have decreed a matter that they should have any option in their decision. And whoever disobeys Allah and His Messenger, he has indeed strayed in a plain error. [Surah Al-Ahzaab. Ayah 36]

Allah said:
فلا وربك لا يؤمنون حتى يحكموك فيما شجر بينهم ثم لا يجدوا في أنفسهم حرجا مما قضيت ويسلموا تسليما

But no, by your Lord, they can have no Faith, until they make you (O Muhammad ) judge in all disputes between them, and find in themselves no resistance against your decisions, and accept (them) with full submission]. [Surah An-Nisaa. Aayah 65]

Allah said:
فإن تنازعتم في شيء فردوه إلى الله والرسول

(And) if you differ in anything amongst yourselves, refer it to Allah (i.e. the Book of Allah) and His Messenger (i.e. go to the Messenger whilst he was alive and refer to his Sunnah after he has passed away]. [Surah An-Nisaa. Ayah 59]

Allah said:
وما اختلفتم فيه من شيء فحكمه إلى الله

And in whatsoever you differ, the decision thereof is with Allah (He is the ruling Judge)]. [Surah Ash-Shooraa. Ayah 10]

When this first affair is examined, you will find it to be in accordance with justice and wisdom, in harmony with the welfare of the people, and repelling corruption.

The second category consists of affairs whose origins or applications to reality are unclear, and unknown whether they are rejected or accepted by the Shariah, to be pursued or avoided. Regarding these affairs, they (i.e. the rulers, upright scholars, and experts) have been commanded to establish consultation, examine them from all angles, consider the (Shariah) criteria and regulations on which they are dependent, the goals and objectives that result from them, compare the welfare and disadvantages, and give preference to the most upright among them. Allah [The Exalted] said: [وشاورهم في الأمر – And consult them in the affairs]. [Surah Al Imran. Ayah 159]

And Allah stated about all the believers: [وأمرهم شورى بينهم – And they (conduct) their affairs by mutual consultation]. [Surah Ash-Shooraa. Ayah 38]

With regard to this affair, Allah gave more room after laying the principles and rules that are appropriate for every period and location, regardless of how circumstances change and develop. The worldly and religious affairs, as well as the affairs of the people will be rectified, and evils and harms are repelled when the fundamental principles of the Shariah are applied to judge those affairs that are of a general nature and the side issues connected to them. However, to achieve this, it is necessary to convene councils of prudent individuals who provide true counsel -individuals of sound minds, broad intellect, sound opinion, and comprehensive understanding (that is in accordance with the Qur’an and Sunnah), so that internal issues are examined one by one, research that takes into account all relevant aspects is conducted, affairs are perceived as they should be, a clear understanding of what they depend on, the means to achieving them if they are to be pursued, a clear perception of the overall and partial benefits and welfare that will result from them, a study of the best and simplest ways to acquire them, a study of the harms that needs to be repelled and tracing their causes and sources of origin, resolving them as much as possible, striving to eliminate them completely if possible, but if not possible, at least reducing and lessening their evil outcomes. Allah [The Exalted] said: [فاتقوا الله ما استطعتم – Fear Allah as much as you can]. [Surah At-Taghaabun. Ayah 16]

Regarding both internal and foreign policy, the Imaam further stated: Allah said:

وأعدوا لهم ما استطعتم من قوة ومن رباط الخيل ترهبون به عدو الله وعدوكم

And make ready against them all you can of power, including steeds of war to threaten the enemy of Allah and your enemy]. [Surah Al-Anfaal. Ayah 60]

Allah commanded (Muslim rulers) to prepare everything that is feasible in terms of power, including political and mental fortitude, industries, weaponry, and everything else that is used to bolster (Muslim forces) and terrify enemies- all activities related to military strategy, military arts, diverse weapons, forts, and defences against the evils of the foes.  Allah [The Exalted] said: [يا أيها الذين آمنوا خذوا حذركم – O you who believe! Take your precautions]. [Surah An-Nisaa. Ayah 71]

See how these teachings of the Islamic Shariah represent the only (correct course of action) and the most powerful means of implementing both internal and external policy! Muslims attain perfection and righteousness when they are guided by these fundamental principles and their subsidiary matters, (whereas) the deficiency that is anticipated and arises is owing to disregarding these affairs and not paying close attention to them.

And from Siyaasah Shar’iyyah, (we learn that) Allah guides people to establish matters of universal welfare. It is the duty of each group in society to gain in-depth knowledge of the reality of a particular aspect of this welfare, what it depends on, the avenues through which it can be achieved and perfected, and to use all reasonable efforts to deliver it as much as possible. Allah [The Exalted] said:

ولتكن منكم أمة يدعون إلى الخير ويأمرون بالمعروف وينهون عن المنكر

Let there arise out of you a group of people inviting to all that is good (Islam), enjoining Al-Ma’ruf (i.e. Islamic Monotheism and all that Islam orders one to do) and forbidding Al-Munkar (polytheism and disbelief and all that Islam has forbidden). [Surah Al Imran. Ayah 104]

Allah [The Exalted] said:
وما كان المؤمنون لينفروا كافة فلولا نفر من كل فرقة منهم طائفة ليتفقهوا في الدين ولينذروا قومهم إذا رجعوا إليهم لعلهم يحذرون

And it is not (proper) for the believers to go out to fight (Jihad) all together. Of every troop of them, a party only should go forth, that they (who are left behind) may get instructions in (Islamic) religion, and that they may warn their people when they return to them, so that they may beware (of evil). [Surah At-Tawbah. Ayah 122]

There is no question that seeking public welfare in the manner that Allah has instructed is the reason for religious and worldly perfection, as observed by everyone who is familiar with it.

Allah said:
ادع إلى سبيل ربك بالحكمة والموعظة الحسنة وجادلهم بالتي هي أحسن

Invite (mankind, O Muhammad ) to the Way of your Lord (i.e. Islam) with wisdom (i.e. with the Divine Inspiration and the Qur’an) and fair preaching, and argue with them in a way that is better]. [Surah An-Nahl. Ayah 125]

This involves preaching to Muslims who have violated certain aspects of the religion, as well as preaching to nonbelievers. Muslims are exhorted to perfect their religion, while unbelievers are called to accept Islam as the only way to rectification for humanity. This call should be based on wisdom, which is to adopt the approach that is most effective for achieving good, perfecting it, and eliminating or reducing evil in the context of time, location, people, and circumstances. [Footnote b]

Preaching should also be carried out with fine admonition, and this admonition consists of an explanation and a clarification of what is good and bad, as well as highlighting the advantages of the good outcomes in this life and the next. Because of its inherent goodness as well as its pathways that are marked by kindness, leniency, forbearance, patience, etc., Allah described this preaching as a good admonition. Additionally, if an argument is necessary to persuade someone, it should be presented in the best manner possible. The arguer should appeal for the truth, demonstrate its beauty and the evil that results from its opposite, and address any doubts raised by the opponent. This should be done with polite words and excellent manners, not with force, harshness, callousness, or verbal abuse because those things can cause great harm. Allah said:

فبما رحمة من الله لنت لهم ولو كنت فظا غليظ القلب لانفضوا من حولك فاعف عنهم

And by the Mercy of Allah, you dealt with them gently. And had you been severe and harsh-hearted, they would have broken away from about you; so overlook (their faults)]. [Surah Aal Imran Aayah 159] [Footnote c] [(1)] [End of quote]

Believer’s Bahaviour Towards Muslim Rulers – [Supplicates For Them….]

This path, as simply outlined by Imaam As-Sadi, has nothing to do with the path of so-called religious clerics who participate in current political systems because their orientation is nothing more than the tail-ends of the Ikhwaanees (the Muslim Brotherhood Sect). Click here to read:

Click to access MNJ180002.pdf

Click to access MNJ180003.pdf

Click to access MNJ180004.pdf

Click to access MNJ180005.pdf

The information in the links above will make it abundantly evident that the infiltrators do everything they can to hide within Salafiyyah, but they are constantly discovered, rebuted, and banished by the proactive Salafi Scholars and Students of Knowledge. As for declaring infiltrators and political activists as heretics or apostates, we once again demand that the cretins reveal the names of persons as well as the verdicts issued against them because the Salafi Scholars do not issue this judgement except based on sound principles.

Finally, the notion that the US should covertly fund the so-called Madkhalists as a group is ridiculous; instead, the US should utilise those resources to provide food and shelter for its homeless population as well as drug rehabilitation for addicts. Truth is preserved till the end of time, thus it has never needed the money of a ruler, Muslim or not. If the believers uphold Tawheed, and obey Allah and His Messenger, they will undoubtedly triumph in every era. Allah said:

وَعَدَ ٱللَّهُ ٱلَّذِينَ ءَامَنُواْ مِنكُمۡ وَعَمِلُواْ ٱلصَّـٰلِحَـٰتِ لَيَسۡتَخۡلِفَنَّهُمۡ فِى ٱلۡأَرۡضِ ڪَمَا ٱسۡتَخۡلَفَ ٱلَّذِينَ مِن قَبۡلِهِمۡ وَلَيُمَكِّنَنَّ لَهُمۡ دِينَہُمُ ٱلَّذِى ٱرۡتَضَىٰ لَهُمۡ وَلَيُبَدِّلَنَّہُم مِّنۢ بَعۡدِ خَوۡفِهِمۡ أَمۡنً۬ا‌ۚ يَعۡبُدُونَنِى لَا يُشۡرِكُونَ بِى شَيۡـًٔ۬ا‌ۚ وَمَن ڪَفَرَ بَعۡدَ ذَٲلِكَ فَأُوْلَـٰٓٮِٕكَ هُمُ ٱلۡفَـٰسِقُونَ

Allah has promised those among you who believe, and do righteous good deeds, that He will certainly grant them succession to (the present rulers) in the earth, as He granted it to those before them, and that He will grant them the authority to practise their religion, that which He has chosen for them (i.e. Islam). And He will surely give them in exchange a safe security after their fear (provided) they (believers) worship Me and do not associate anything (in worship) with Me. But whoever disbelieved after this, they are the Fasiqun (rebellious, disobedient to Allah). [Surah An-Nur. Ayah 55]

The Prophet [peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him] said, “There will not cease to be a group amongst my Ummah upon the truth; neither will they be harmed by those who betray them nor those who oppose them until the command of Allah arrives [i.e. the day of judgement]”. [Bukhaari]

What Has Al-Allaamah Rabee Advised The Taa’ifatul Mansoorah and What Has Al-Alaamah Saaleh Al-Fawzaan Stated About Them?

To be continued…InShaaAllah


Footnote a: What is Siyaasah: It refers to the regulation of civic affairs and has control over both the behaviour of the person and the entire society. It involves Islamic jurisprudence, which helps the rulers gain knowledge and comprehension of the Shariah laws and principles pertaining to managing the business of the state and its structures. [At-taleeq Alaa As-Siyaasah Ash-Shar’iyyah. Slightly paraphrased. Page 5 by Imam Muhammad Ibn Saaleh al-Uthaymeen (may Allah have mercy upon him)]

NB: This Siyaasah is to be differentiated from the methodology of ISIS, Ikhwaan Al-Muslimeen, and other deviated sects. Read articles by Shaikh Abu Iyaadh [may Allah preserve him]

Footnote b:

[Lesson 10] The Methodology of Giving Da’wah is Not Open to Ijtihād – Beneficial Answers to Questions Regarding The Innovated Methodologies – Abu Khadeejah ‘Abdul-Wāhid

Footnote c:

A nice manner of da’wah to atheists, by our brother Anwar (Allah reward him) —calling to Tawheed with textual proofs, sound reason, and the natural disposition of people; without falling into blameworthy disputation of the people of kalām of our times. This is the way of da’wah, just as Allāh (the Mighty and Majestic) has said: “Invite to the path of your Lord with wisdom and kind admonition and debate with them in the best manner.” (An-Nahl 16:125):

[(1)]: Excerpt from “Ad-Deenus Saheeh Yahillu Jamee al-Mashaakil” (The right religion is the answer to every problem). pages 12-16