The Ruling On Visiting and Exploring Ancient Ruins of The Destroyed Nations
In The Name of Allah, The Most Merciful, The Bestower of Mercy.
Al-Allamah Rabee Bin Hadi Al-Mad’khali [may Allah preserve him] stated:
The focus on artefacts by Archaeologists in this era was not present during the era of the Prophet’s companions and the pious predecessors. Instead, Muslims began to imitate the Europeans and Americans, who aimed to revive pre-Islamic nationalistic traits like Pharaonism, Babylonianism, and Phoenicianism in the Muslim lands. They were largely successful in achieving these objectives, leading to the emergence of pre-Islamic national pride and the glorification of these nationalistic identities in Muslim societies.
Imam Al-Bukhaaree said: “Abdullah Bin Muhammad Al-Ju’fee narrated to us that Abdur Razzaaq narrated to them from Az-Zuhree who narrated from Salim, who narrated from Ibn Umar who said that when the Prophet [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] passed by Al-Hijr, he said, ‘Do not enter the dwelling places of those people who were unjust to themselves unless you enter in a weeping state lest the same calamity similar to theirs should befall you’. Then he covered his head and increased his speed till he crossed the valley. Yahyah Bin Bukayr narrated to us who said that Malik narrated to us from Abdullah Bin Deenaar who reported from Ibn Umar who said that Allah’s Messenger [peace and blessings of Allah be upon him] said to his companions who were at Al-Hijr, “Do not enter upon these people who are being punished, except in a weeping state, lest the same calamity similar to theirs should befall you”. [Sahih Al-Bukhaari. Numbers 4419 and 4420]
The two Prophetic reports illustrate the peril of entering into the places of those who have earned Allah’s wrath and were consequently annihilated for their disbelief and rejection of the prophets and their message. The Prophet prohibited entry into such places, except for those who fear Allah and dread His punishment. In cases of dire necessity, he may enter these locations while weeping. It is feared that one who enters the dwellings of those who have been punished may suffer the same punishment. It is legislated for those who approach these dwellings to quickly pass by while covering their faces, following the example of Allah’s Messenger. Do Muslims, including archaeologists and those who encourage them, comprehend what is embodied in this guidance from the Prophet, who speaks not from his own desires? Additionally, Allah’s Messenger advised those passing through the valleys of Muhassar to hasten, as it was the location where Allah destroyed the people of the Elephant.
So, do those who dig up the artefacts of Ad, Thamud, the Ashaab Al-Ukh’dud, the Pharaohs, and the Babylonians, follow the teachings of Allah’s Messenger or blindly follow the enemies of Allah who establish partnerships to explore the artefacts of the destroyed nations to entice them (towards) the pride of the pre-Islamic era of ignorance? I and others have read numerous boasting by Muslims or those who ascribe to Islam, such as the statement of one of them, (as follows), “O Misree (i.e. Egyptian)! Be proud of the builders of your glory when people were sleeping”. He boasts about the Pharaonic artefacts such as the pyramids and other than them.
An Excerpt from “Baraa’ah As-Sahaabah Al-Akhyaar Min At-Tabarruk Bil Amaakin Wal-Aathaar”. Pages 11-14